Author Topic: Gamate Discussion  (Read 42965 times)

Mr. Postman

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Gamate Discussion
« Reply #45 on: November 19, 2013, 09:28:58 PM »
Nov 19 2013, 12:48:06 AM
Did you manage to grab those ebay auctions or did someone else beat you to em? I've been super lazy for about a year now and just occasionally go into ebay and search the completed listings lol.

I cant remember all my games, but some of the rarer ones i have include Mars Voyage, Volcano Panic, Punk Boy, Metamorphosiser, Ancient Tomb, Bao Qing Tian, Golden Pyramid and Robin Hood.[/quote]Nope, I missed those auctions. They must have sold within hours of showing up on eBay.

 You have some nice rare games, none of which I own. It's funny, if you break down the card rarity to common, uncommon, rare & super rare and go through the full list of games released for the system, almost half of them fall into the "super rare" category.

BTW, I picked up my Gamate stuff from storage today. I played C1-041 Mighty Boxer for the first time, and it's not so great. You select your character which have different portraits, names, and originate from from the USA, Japan, China, Brazil or England. That's where buck stops, in-game the characters are the same sprite with a different shade of grey for skin tone. You move around a large ring with the D-Pad, B button blocks and the A button punches. The D-Pad movement is fine, but punching and blocking has a tremendous amount of input lag/is generally unresponsive. One final thing worth mentioning is that it is a 2P link cable game. My guess is that this middle-period game was mostly finished before UMC got their hands on it.

 I did pop in C1-061 Dinosaur Park for ya'. It's a knock off My neighbor Totoro fighting game. Besides the single character story mode, you can indeed play as 8 different characters in "Battle Mode". The eight characters comprise of a little girl with a folded up umbrella, a slightly older little girl, a little boy with a hat (Kanta clone) , a Totoro-clone (which is Hannibal) , a mole, a Susuwatari clone fuzzy black-ball thing, a cat (shown as a cat-bus in the character portrait, but is just a large fat cat during gameplay) & a frog. Sorry, no Dinosaurs in this park. In battle mode there is also a stage select in which you can choose from 8 different backgrounds. I don't believe you can execute any special moves, just punch and kick buttons. There is an English language setting under options which is pretty cool, though.

C1-060 Further Adventures of Hannibal the cat is another Gradius clone and has all the standard Gradius power-up options, except you play as a Totoro clone character instead of a space ship. Look back to Dinosaur Park to understand where the "Further adventures" part comes in (even though Further adventures came first, I imagine they were programmed at the same time since they were released back to back... or the missing number C1-059 is also Hannibal related? Curious if the missing C1-062 is also relevant?). The blurry screen renders it nearly unplayable, but I must mention that my only Gamate that had one of the good checkerboard screens broke a long long time ago. The options menu lets you choose between 1-5 lives, difficulty setting 1-5, and has a password based save system. Unlike Insect War, this game does not have a stage-select option.

I've never seen the 1988 Studio Ghibli film My Neighbor Totoro, but it must have been pretty popular since UMC was still so obsessed with it in the early 90s. You'd think since both Dinosaur Park and Further Adventures are shameless Totoro-inspired games, that they'd have made even the slightest effort to give them Totoro-inspired box art so that they could sell more copies? *Swing and a Miss*

 Having two UMC Gamate games featuring this Totoro inspired character named Hannibal the Cat is not a coincidence. I wonder if UMC was planning on replacing Bit-Corp's lowly & significantly unknown SuperBoy with a fresher mascot to help out with the new UMC era? If C-059 & or C-62 also end up being Hannibal related I'm going to be chock-full of "warm UMC fuzzies". :)

UMC's cover artwork for the character Hannibal the Cat depicts him as a mix between a Bubble Bobble Dinosaur, but with a Cat like nose and whiskers. He also has Alien antenni & carries an umbrella. In-game sprites of him look like Studio Ghibli's Totoro though.
I hate post-merge, but I imagine this will be since I was the last poster.

What do you guys think about the middle-era to full blown UMC era? A big problem is that they overlap and some backlog middle era titles are all over the place. The middle era titles show up in numbers as early as C1-008 to as late as C1-054. I believe the easiest way to help identify the era of a Gamate game is by the font on it's card label itself. Of course I'm sure there are exceptions, but we need to start somewhere.

 The earliest Bit Corp Era games will have the "C1" card number printed in the center of a tiny silver ribbon on the bottom right-hand corner on the game card's label. Middle-era games will simply have the card number printed on the label with no background around it at all. There There are two different middle era categories, those finished by UMC & those not. For this lists sake I'm going to bundle them into the same category. UMC era games have the card number printed in a large Oval on the bottom of the label in a painfully obvious fashion as follows: (GAMATE CARD C1-0XX).  Middle era games are mostly unfinished or unreleased Bit Corp games that UMC finished or published at some point in time.  The rarity varies vastly for the mid era games, but almost all of them are rarer than the silver ribbon Bit Corp titles.

 I believe early Mid-era titles were still most likely finished by Bit Corp, and the later-middle era titles were most likely finished by UMC. The later Middle era titles usually have a large rectangular UMC sticker on the bottom left of the back of the game boxes (EDIT: The Gamate Seal of Quality on card labels seems to be a more accurate way to gauge mid-era titles).
Worth noting, UMC Games usually have UMC style boxes with the bottom white border and 4 big dots progressing in size. The only game in question is Kiki Island which has been released as both a later mid-era and UMC-era title. Kiki is such a wonderful game, I highly doubt that Bit Corp did much for it which would explain why UMC later released it with a UMC label. That's the one strange case and exception to the rule.

Using the above as a guide, lets see how each of the games rank.

*EDIT: I Have updated the list to reflect mid-era games that came with the Gamate seal of Quality on the card label. "Seal of Quality" games will be listed as with (SOQ), the majority of early mid-are games will fall into this category. Most of the rarer later middle era titles will not have a Seal of Quality (No SOQ).
I am attempting to have a go at rarity, at this point in time I have not tackled Italian GIG vs Non GIG comparisons. Italian GIG releases are generally easier to find.

    C1-001 Cube-Up ***Bit Corp era   #Common
    C1-002 Witty Apee ***Bit Corp era   #Rare (Gamate™ Card-back #Super Rare)
    C1-003 Box Forum ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Uncommon
    C1-004 Mighty Tank ***Bit Corp era   #Rare
    C1-005 Enchanted Bricks ***Bit Corp era   #Rare (Gamate™ Card-back #Super Rare)
    C1-006 Mini Golf ***Bit Corp era   #Common
    C1-007 Galaxy Invaders ***Bit Corp era   #Common
    C1-008 Legend of Dragon Knight ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-009 Tornado ***Bit Corp era   #Common
    C1-010 Bump N' Run  ***(Have not seen label)   #Ultra Rare
    C1-011 Money Maze ***Bit Corp era   #Common (Gamate™ Card-back #Super Rare)
    C1-012 Pharaoh Revenger ***Bit Corp era   #Rare
    C1-013 Dino Bibo ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Rare
    C1-014 Time Warrior ***Bit Corp era   #Uncommon
    C1-015 Kill Shot ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Uncommon (No SOQ #Rare)
    C1-016 Volcano Panic ***Mid era (with or without SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-017 Devil Castle ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Rare (No SOQ #Super Rare)
    C1-018 Kung-Fu Fighter ***Bit Corp era   #Common (Light-Grey card #Ultra Rare)
    C1-019 Dino Ball ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Uncommon
    C1-020 Bad Bud Chou Chu's Adventure ***(Have not seen label)   #Ultra Rare
    C1-021 Myth of Asamia ***Bit Corp era   #Uncommon (Light-Grey card #Ultra Rare)
    C1-022 Pipemania ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Common
    C1-023 Tennis ***Bit Corp era   #Uncommon
    C1-024 Marauder ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Rare
    C1-025 Jackpot ***(Have not seen label)
    C1-026 Flipuzzle ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Uncommon
    C1-027 Monster Pitfall ***Bit Corp era   #Common (Light-Grey card #Ultra Rare)
    C1-028 Vindicators ***Bit Corp era   #Common
    C1-029 Brick Blaster ***Bit Corp era   #Common (#Rare Boxed)
    C1-030 Beach Volleyball ***(Have not seen label)   #Ultra Rare
    C1-031 Bomb Blaster ***Bit Corp era   #Common (Gamate™ Card-back #Super Rare)
    C1-032 Cosmic Fighter ***Bit Corp era   #Common
    C1-033 Fist of Thunder ***(Have not seen label) #Super Rare
    C1-034 Superboy ***(Have not seen label) #Ultra Rare
    C1-035 Treasure Hunter ***Bit Corp era   #Uncommon
    C1-036 Jewelriss ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-037 Nightmare of Santa Claus ***Bit Corp era   #Uncommon (Light-Grey card #Ultra Rare)
    C1-038 Mars Voyage ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-039 Fortress of Fierceness ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-040 Incantational Couple ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-041 Mighty Boxer ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-042 Flying Goblin ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-043 Boom! ***Bit Corp era   #Uncommon
    C1-044 Snowman Legend ***Bit Corp era   #Uncommon
    C1-045 World Soccer ***Mid era  (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-046 Kiki Inland (Kiki Island) ***Mid era (No SOQ) #Super Rare (UMC era label #Ultra Rare)
    C1-047 Fortune 'n Luck ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-048 Baseball (Super Baseball) ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-049 Punk Boy ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-050 Fortress Of Fierceness ***Mid era (No SOQ)   #Super Rare
    C1-051 ??? - Unknown title   #Ultra Rare
    C1-052 Famous (7 Famous) ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-053 Metamorphosiser (Tough Guy) ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-054 Magic Jigsaw ***Mid era (SOQ)   #Uncommon
    C1-055 ??? - Unknown title   #Ultra Rare
    C1-056 GP Race ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-057 Fantasy Travel ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-058 Heaven Clash ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-059 ??? - Unknown title   #Ultra Rare
    C1-060 Further Adventures of Hannibal The Cat ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-061 Dinosaur Park ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-062 ??? - Unknown title   #Ultra Rare
    C1-063 Basketball ***UMC era   #Ultra Rare
    C1-064 Bao Qing Tian ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-065 Hot Hero (火爆英雄) ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-066 ??? - Unknown title   #Super Rare
    C1-067 Robin Hood ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-068 The Golden Pyramid ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-069 Riddle of the Ancient Tomb ***UMC era   #Super Rare
    C1-070 Insect War ***UMC era   #Ultra Rare

Multi-game cartridges

    C1-401 4-in-1 (Mini Golf, Cube-Up, Brick Master, and Vindicators) ***Three variations:
 (Copyright Bit Corp in red, words 4-in1 in blue)   #Rare
 (Copyright Bit Corp in blue, words 4-in1 in red)   #Rare
 (GAMATE CARD CI-401, words 4-in-1 in red) <-- UMC?   #Super Rare

K1 series

    K1-001 One Million Whys (緑野迷蹤) ***UMC era   #Super Rare

 I hope that this list will help give some insight about the different labels variations.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 04:34:39 AM by Mr. Postman »

Mr. Postman

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Gamate Discussion
« Reply #46 on: November 21, 2013, 03:02:07 AM »
A little help from the hardcore Gamate collectors, can anyone identify these grey cards? The area for the two chips is larger, and the artwork is actually actually more crisp than the retail releases. The stereo audio track plays through the mono speaker without the need of headphones, and the demo sequence played in a different order on Monster pitfall.


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« Reply #47 on: November 22, 2013, 01:09:59 AM »
In regards to the middle UMC era, you have to keep in mind that TONNES of the games were released with UMC stickers covering the old bit corp stuff, though some copies dont have the UMC stickers, which were obviously sold before UMC took over.

EVERY SINGLE GAME before #58 Heaven Clash is just random. Random development teams, games with or without credits, shocking differences in quality, and in most cases the designs were clones of other games. Would need to interview an old bit corp or UMC guy to get more of the story.

In regards to the grey cards, packaging changes and anomalies were common in heaps of games. No idea where those newer version grey cards originated and why.

Mr. Postman

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« Reply #48 on: November 22, 2013, 02:01:10 AM »
Nov 22 2013, 01:09:59 AM
In regards to the middle UMC era, you have to keep in mind that TONNES of the games were released with UMC stickers covering the old bit corp stuff, though some copies dont have the UMC stickers, which were obviously sold before UMC took over.

EVERY SINGLE GAME before #58 Heaven Clash is just random. Random development teams, games with or without credits, shocking differences in quality, and in most cases the designs were clones of other games. Would need to interview an old bit corp or UMC guy to get more of the story.

In regards to the grey cards, packaging changes and anomalies were common in heaps of games. No idea where those newer version grey cards originated and why.[/quote]Wonderful, thanks for the info. I was hoping that we could narrow it down by the label style/packaging. Clearly games like Kill Shot & Box Forum are not in the same league as Mars Voyage or Volcano Panic.
Can we determine the difference of the early mid-era titles from late mid-era by the Gamate seal of Approval on the cart labels? Legend of Dragon Knight and Volcano Panic are the only two really rare lower number games that I've seen advertised next to common titles. How many non-silver ribbon titles come in variations both with or without the Seal of Quality besides Devil Castle, Volcano Panic, (and maybe Kill-Shot)? It appears that the vast majority of non-silver label cards that are lacking the Gamate seal fall under super rare? I'll update the list in my last post with the Seal of Quality status.

I have to disagree about Heaven clash being the definitive start of the full blown cataloged UMC era, C1-049 Punk Boy, C1-052 Famous (7 Famous), C1-053 Metamorphosiser (Tough Guy), C1-056 GP Race & C1-057 Fantasy Travel are all exclusively Asian release UMC era games as far as I know. From what I've seen, the only title to come both with or without the Asian release UMC Oval card label is Kiki Inland, and that was Jonothan Lux's UMC card. My two copies of Kiki Inland unfortunately do not have the cool UMC label. While it's maybe not a UMC Asian exclusive, Kiki is the earliest title that I've ever seen with that modern label. I think we can both agree that any game with the UMC label is awesome. If you meant 100% consecutive chronilogical UMC releases, it would start at probably C1-055 or definitely C1-056, not 58. I don't know why that would matter so much anyway since the release numbers do overlap.

As for the grey games, I got them in a small lot along side a boxed Gamate™ (Trademark) X D-pad console, which logically came before the Gamate® (All Rights Reserved) + D-pad console. They're definitely not newer cards. I do have 4 of the very dark-grey cards with the Gamate™ console pictured on the back, but I don't believe they're as rare.

Thanks again for all your info, Macaw. :)

Edit: I've updated the list. Please let me know what you think, or if you have any corrections.  I agree wholeheartedly that the games were not always released chronologically in the Pre-True UMC era. I think and hope that you'll notice the same trends as I do with the label variations. ^_^
 I've also tried my best to add rarity on a scale from 1-5, Common, Uncommon, Rare, Super Rare & Ultra Rare. This is a difficult task since so many games are uber rare with only 1, 2 or 3 copies known. I found it the most difficult to differentiate between common and uncommon on some titles. A scale of 1-10 would be more ideal, but IMO we just don't have that kind of data yet. Titles ranked Ultra Rare have either only one copy known in existence, or is still unknown/unconfirmed. If a second copy of a confirmed Ultra Rare game pops up, it should probably be moved to the Super Rare category. I will work hard on this list, and try to differentiate from the more common Italian GIG releases and international releases in the future.
« Last Edit: November 22, 2013, 04:49:48 AM by Mr. Postman »


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« Last Edit: November 23, 2013, 09:53:18 AM by MLX »


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Gamate Discussion
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2013, 09:44:38 PM »
I have to disagree about Heaven clash being the definitive start of the full blown cataloged UMC era, C1-049 Punk Boy, C1-052 Famous (7 Famous), C1-053 Metamorphosiser (Tough Guy), C1-056 GP Race & C1-057 Fantasy Travel are all exclusively Asian release UMC era games as far as I know. From what I've seen, the only title to come both with or without the Asian release UMC Oval card label is Kiki Inland, and that was Jonothan Lux's UMC card. My two copies of Kiki Inland unfortunately do not have the cool UMC label. While it's maybe not a UMC Asian exclusive, Kiki is the earliest title that I've ever seen with that modern label. I think we can both agree that any game with the UMC label is awesome. If you meant 100% consecutive chronilogical UMC releases, it would start at probably C1-055 or definitely C1-056, not 58. I don't know why that would matter so much anyway since the release numbers do overlap.[/quote]

Those early titles with the UMC packaging (Punk Boy, Metamorphosiser etc) all have english instructions and boxes though, I still have no idea whether earlier titles released in asia actually came with Chinese instructions (I know they just use the same english boxes).

I have a boxed copy of Fist of Thunder and the instructions are in Chinese, which is pretty weird.


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« Reply #51 on: September 30, 2014, 11:49:19 AM »

I am investigating how to dump gamate games.

A few persons from different forums/mail are already helping.

I am trying to find more people interested in helping with this effort; any help will be welcome.

For example, a hi-res photo of the contacts in the 4-in-1 card could help.

Please, if you are interested, contact with me here or through:


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« Reply #53 on: December 08, 2014, 10:04:16 PM »
yeah this is super cool :D i'm amazed how fast progress has been made really

Mr. Postman

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« Reply #54 on: March 13, 2016, 10:13:47 PM »
Hi Taizou & old friends,
 I'm sure we've all been busy with our lives, and I hope everyone is well.
Anyhoo, i'm looking for the following titles to complete my collection of the *known* Gamate titles. ATM I will pay $100 each for the titles listed below:

Fist of Thunder
Mars Voyage
Incantational Couple
Flying Goblin
World Cup Soccer
Fortress Of Fierceness
Heaven Clash
Bao Qing Tian
Hot Hero (火爆英雄)
Robin Hood
Riddle of the Ancient Tomb

Please contact me directly at

(Yes thats "Ms", like Ms. Pac-Man)

Peace & love.

« Last Edit: March 13, 2016, 10:15:58 PM by Mr. Postman »


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Gamate Discussion
« Reply #55 on: September 25, 2016, 08:58:31 AM »
The Gamate has been reverse engineered completly apparently?


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« Reply #56 on: February 06, 2017, 11:11:15 PM »
Hello folks!

I know this discussion's a bit old, but seeing as how it was resurrected once already at least, I feel like I'm in the clear.

(also I was sure I had an account here already from eons ago, but none of my email accounts that I've used in the last decade triggered a password reminder/reset. Irrelevant, though!)

I had come across the existence of the Gamate some time ago but I had gotten sidetracked when researching and was reminded of it when they finally added it to Giant Bomb. I'd been also low-key looking for the console itself and some games but I never did find the system at an affordable price for me (I'd seen in message board topics that the system had often changed hands for $100-130 US with a game or two, but the only one in that price range right now on eBay has a messed up screen).

Anyway, I was hoping that some of y'alls could help with producing some decent cover/cart scans and/or manuals for the games so I can catalogue them on Giant Bomb and other places (or you could add the info yourself... I'm looking for it to be compiled but am not a credit hog). The information isn't really out there (Drill Spirits seems to have the most complete record of the console and even that's missing a LOOOOT of information) so that this content is way more accessible.

(I'd also been looking for ROMs but from what I can tell no more ROM links are allowed? Or is that just the Wiki?)

Thanks for anything you'd be able to assist with!

Razor Koopa

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« Reply #57 on: May 09, 2017, 04:13:51 AM »
If someone is interested, I found the complete hardware of the gamate:

    CPU: NCR 81489 at 8 bit
    RAM: 16KB
    Video: monocromatic LCD screen with a resolution of 128*96
    Audio: mono, stereo with the headset
    Support: cartdridge with a maximum 2KB memory
    Autonomy: 5h declared (4 AA batteries)

« Last Edit: May 11, 2017, 10:08:30 AM by Razor Koopa »


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« Reply #58 on: August 08, 2017, 01:22:43 AM »
I found an interesting listing on taobao today:


It's for a front-lit Gamate, but what is interesting is the game it shows running. What game is it? I've never seen it mentioned before
« Last Edit: August 08, 2017, 01:23:30 AM by zhongtiao1 »


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« Reply #59 on: August 13, 2017, 04:05:25 AM »
Sep 25 2016, 08:58:31 AM
The Gamate has been reverse engineered completly apparently?[/quote]Looking at the video and I well see that 11:50 is one of the game programmer is Tommy Xie? He seems to have worked at Bit Corp before he came to Dragon Co.