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FeelAug 3 2012, 12:46:13 PMHi there!I'm looking for Huang-Di, a Chinese pirate game for Famicom (I guess) or Nes.' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen=''>If someone has one, i'd like to buy it or maybe do some trade. Please let me know!Thanks [/quote]I have this game, but I am not sure if I want to sell it or not, as it is my only copy of it (I think, gotta check tomorrow). My copy is CIB too, I believe (I know I have the box and cart, think I have the manual as well). Please PM me if interested, with an offer.Best regards,Dave
FeelAug 6 2012, 08:00:16 PMI'm interrested but the thing is I have absolutely no idea how much this game could cost. I usually don't buy pirates so i'm not an expert on the subject.Any ideas, guys?Also, a pic could be nice [/quote]I have no idea on this either. I'll have to dig it out and then take some pics.