Author Topic: BootlegGames Wiki's 7th anniversary  (Read 8324 times)


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BootlegGames Wiki's 7th anniversary
« on: May 08, 2017, 12:45:58 PM »
I've never really done anything regarding PGC Forum's or BGW's anniversaries before but after looking back, I'm surprised how long they've been going so far.

Seven years ago, I decided to take a dead wiki, move it to a much better wiki software (at the time) and basically revived it.

Before then, there was no centralized documentation for information regarding bootleg games. All the info was scattered over the internet across various sites and forums. Also thanks to the dubious nature of these games and companies, a lot of them weren't always out in the open about their practices. Wikipedia didn't really cover much of them; it was only dedicated to the more known games. (At the time that would be the likes of Somari and Kart Fighter)

Me and several others were part of RX Community; a community forum run by CrashmanEXE/BrydoRX. There, we had a section dedicated to bootleg games. While we were making discoveries and discussing about these games, it was just a small forum and even so, it wasn't entirely dedicated to bootleg/unlicensed games. We eventually decided we need a wiki to put all this information on. JP Ronny and SpaceNinja originally made one on some wiki software whose name I've forgotten at the moment. I was one of the people helping with articles and making edits at the time. However, I remember the wiki software at the time being pretty awful with its pay model; it was bad to the point where you needed to pay to put up on your own logo. After a while, the wiki eventually became inactive.

I didn't want to let that idea go. I felt as we needed a site to put all this information in and to properly educate these people about bootleg and unlicensed games.

At the time, I've noticed Wikia looked like a decent enough software to use and it had enough freedom to let us do whatever we could with the wiki. I figured it'd be great to start the wiki there. Once I created it, I began porting the articles over, handed the previous members bureaucrat and administrator positions and it went on from there. It's still growing to this day. We've been constantly cited for our information and discoveries involving these kinds of games. It even led to making Pirated Games Central Forums as well as the (now dead) IRC channel and Discord server. Eventually, RX Community would close down due to the admin having issues with running the forum. However, BootlegGames Wiki and Pirated Games Central Forums still remain to this day and I would never dare to close either of them.

Before I end this post, I would like to say thank you to everyone who has supported this wiki whichever way you could. This wiki would not have made it this far without any of you people. I am sincerely grateful for all of your help with all your contributions and getting our word out there.



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BootlegGames Wiki's 7th anniversary
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2017, 01:12:38 PM »
Congrats!  :clap:


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BootlegGames Wiki's 7th anniversary
« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2017, 06:02:03 AM »
Extremely late reply, but here's to another 7 years. Funny how bootleg games saw a huge rise in popularity over the last year or two, now everyone knows about them - In 2010/2011 so much excellent progress was made and so much research was done. I was never a huge part of the community but I've always loved the sheer dedication to uncovering every last little detail possible. Pre 2010, finding any info on bootlegs was a royal pain in the arse.

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BootlegGames Wiki's 7th anniversary
« Reply #3 on: December 12, 2017, 06:16:19 AM »


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BootlegGames Wiki's 7th anniversary
« Reply #4 on: December 12, 2017, 01:35:48 PM »
Seven years? Man, time really has flown by, hasn't it? D: Good to see it still standing after all these years. Kudos to you, Pepe :D
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