Hi everyone, I'm new here though I have collected NES games for 10+ years and recently started branching out into collecting bootlegs and unlicensed games for other systems besides the NES and Famicom. I have been reading this forum as a guest for about two months, and really find the information to be quite useful and interesting. Owning several Gowin and Syntax games, I really find this an interesting forum to visit. I thought I would post two pictures from my collection.
As one can tell from the pictures below, I have quite a bit of bootleg stuff. I also have some single game cartridges that are pirates, but I did not take pictures of these as they are simply boring Famicom carts containing one game each. The following pictures show some boxed goodies as well as some individual carts.

Everything in the next picture is also potentially for sale/trade, if anyone is interested.