Author Topic: Interesting stuff for sale elsewhere  (Read 206767 times)


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Re: Interesting stuff for sale elsewhere
« Reply #705 on: July 21, 2021, 11:31:13 PM »

A long time ago I mentioned a magazine with a Gowin ad. If I am reading it right the magazine is called Wolf Weekly or 疾風快報. Another issue of the magazine has a slightly modified version of this ad. I wonder if Gowin showed off any other games through this

Edit:Here is another issue of the magazine advertising Gowin's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, though this time they cover it like how they cover other games, instead of having a really out of place looking ad

Edit: Ok, I've seen at least five issues of these things with Gowin adverts in them for their multicarts and color games. Does anyone here know if other unlicensed/bootleg companies advertised through magazines, and if so, what magazines they were advertised in?

Edit: I  have seen Magic Lamp in one ad and Journey to the West in another. If GS-14 exists and was advertised in the magazine, then I bet it was between those two volumes

Edit: They even mentioned Gowin's Crouching Tiger game by name on their website
« Last Edit: July 22, 2021, 02:48:55 AM by 瓜瓜龍 »


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Re: Interesting stuff for sale elsewhere
« Reply #706 on: September 16, 2021, 02:24:45 PM »
Does anyone here know what these are?