LinkA long time ago I mentioned a magazine with a Gowin ad. If I am reading it right the magazine is called Wolf Weekly or 疾風快報. Another issue of the magazine has a slightly modified version of this ad. I wonder if Gowin showed off any other games through this
Here is another issue of the magazine advertising Gowin's Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon, though this time they cover it like how they cover other games, instead of having a really out of place looking ad
Edit: Ok, I've seen at least five issues of these things with Gowin adverts in them for their multicarts and color games. Does anyone here know if other unlicensed/bootleg companies advertised through magazines, and if so, what magazines they were advertised in?
Edit: I have seen Magic Lamp in one ad and Journey to the West in another. If GS-14 exists and was advertised in the magazine, then I bet it was between those two volumes
Edit: They even mentioned Gowin's Crouching Tiger game by name on their