Other Stuff > The Big Old Arcade

The end of the game.com

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Mr. Sound-About:
Howdy, y'all.

This has been in the works for far too long and today, I'm nauseous to announce that:

“The end of the game.com” rides again.

Yep. My formerly threadbare website about a handheld game system that's even less enjoyable than the Supervision [!!]... is back. Now bloated with far more information than you'll ever care to know, to experience it is a grand adventure in masochism. (Though still less painful than actually playing game.com games.)

If you're wondering why I've wasted so much time building a virtual shrine to such a useless piece of plastic stuffed with shoddy electrical components, it's simple: I did it because I knew no one else would. Amen.

So come on by and relive all your game.com favorites!
(I'd say, "You'll be glad you did," but we both know you'll regret it.)

Game.com? Isn't that the name of one of the Game Boy's competitors? Like, Tiger Game.com?

Mr. Sound-About:
Today's update:

Added some details and screenshots for Holyfield Boxing, NBA Live '99, and Small Soldiers to the rumored games page. This info was mostly scooped from the archived website of developer Handheld Games.

game.com rumored games page

Good! This makes me think that our wiki (the Bootleg Games Wikia) needs a rumoured games list. Lots of them are on Nanjing's page, tho.

Mr. Sound-About:
Today's update:

When I discovered that the UK version of the game.com Internet package featured a slightly different box, manual, and cartridge label than the US version, not to mention additional inserts, my initial reaction was, “No. NO! NOOOOO!!” I bought it anyway, knowing full well I'd have to scan everything. Yuck. But now the dirty deed is done, and the downloads are waiting for you over on the scans page.


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