Okay... we all know that bootleg games are weird shit and all but there are some good ones, if any of you don't believe me. You can either like them if they're special to you in some way or, as a guilty pleasure. To start, I quite liked Kart Fighter for it being Super Mario Kart done as a fighting game even though it does suffer stiff controls and weird music playing going around. Anything from obscure Chinese developer Shenzhen Nanjing can qualify also 
What's yours, and why?
All the Tekken fighting bootlegs. Look, I get it... they play like absolute dog crap, but let's be honest here, I think we can all appreciate that for what they are, they look quite beautiful. I mean, when I played them, I was like "yep, if I had never known the title, I would have easily knew this was Tekken without even guessing". The thing is, for a lot of people, they seem to be unable to appreciate the work (even if all of it is really just rips and edits) that go into making a bootleg. Like sure, most of them are generally just renames, but even a rename still needs work done, and I can appreciate the efforts, even if they're minimal at best.
But at the same time, games like this... if fixed by someone willing to fix them, could actually be not only good, in terms of actual gameplay, but good in the sense that you'd be like "ya know, if I didn't know any better, I would think this was real". There are a lot of interesting titles, that if under the right hand and with a little polishing on them, could pass off as a real game and not a bootleg.