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Bootleg toys


If this is a forum dedicated to bootleg games, then I'm going to change things around with something called bootleg toys. Some of us have seen them plastered around the web, or that some of us have been cursed of owning one and our childhoods scarred by them. Let me begin by posting some fine examples that may shock, traumatise or just make you chortle for how lame they are:

Click if you dare...

These will do for now, and I know there will be comments aplenty of these. You are free to post any more that you can find to further make our eyes bleed :P Or, talk about if you had been cursed of owning any of these in your childhood.

Also, though I seem to believe that I never owned a bootleg toy myself, I suspect that this could be it, as I first had it when I was five. It's still there with me, locked away in a drawer as a keepsake :P I suppose that's one of the better-looking ones, as at least I never owned anything with a crappy paintjob or some Russian knockoff of a Mario toy.

I don't know where to put this but here.

Some figurine toy from the 80s made by one Chi Chi Toys company. No clue if it's the Chi Chi Toys we know of.


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