forgotusername here, for some reason on a completely different account because this is what the email verification sent me...
i was reminded of this thread because A. those
goddamn idiots developers from atgames tricked me into buying a famiclone (that was ADVERTISED as having ARCADE games), and B. i watched someone play the all-time classic Animal Contest for four hours: its not clear already this project is pretty much hard drive broke, with all of the remaining plug 'n play roms stored on it. i didn't back them up anywhere else, as i had already fully compiled the next update. so i no longer have access to the already extracted games, the multicarts, all of the hex-editing and graphics tools, and whatever else this project required.
there are places that can remove select files from busted hard drives, but i somehow doubt .nes files are something they can get back (its all basic stuff like photos and documents from what i can tell). either way, this project is effectively finished in its current state. maybe sometime in the future there will be another update, but i can't even log into my mediafire account at this point so who knows. for now, this is goodbye.
HEN & SONS will always love you...
(oh, and sorry if this is someone else's account i hijacked. i swear its what i was sent by email. i blame taizou for this)