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Game Boy dumps / Re: Tabor's Dumps
« Last post by tabor62gb on January 24, 2025, 06:18:51 PM »
I know Blue is better because of fixed glitches and updated stuff but I wonder why they didn't choose to use Pokemon Green as a base for this one given the name. It's not like they stopped using Red. I also think this one has built in cheats for money? I can't quite remember but if there is there must be an action you have to take as simply going to the Trainer card only shows the standard 3000 Pokedollars. Similarly to the previous post, I had to edit the header to make it work.

Developer: ???
Publisher: Tian Ren Electronics

Kou Dai Guai Shou: Ye Lu - Wu Xian Zhong Wen Ban V3.0 586 (口袋怪兽-叶绿 - 金钱无限中文版 V3.0 586)
Game Boy dumps / Re: Tabor's Dumps
« Last post by tabor62gb on January 24, 2025, 06:09:56 PM »
I thought this ROM was broken, but it turns out I just had to edit the header to fix it. Or at least make it work, for all I know it could break later on haha. I'm no wizard though, I literally just opened this and a working Tian Ren Pokemon hack and just copied over part of the header over which worked. And so here it is, Pokemon FireRed on the Gameboy. I have a few more to share, only one of which worked in the initial dump. I did notice the three games with "2009" on the QA sticker didn't work right away, wonder what changed between 2008 and 2009.

Oh yeah it's just a title screen and translation hack of Red really.

Developer: ???
Publisher: Tian Ren Electronics

Kou Dai Guai Shou: Huo Hong - Jin Qian Wu Xian Zhong Wen Ban V3.0 586 (口袋怪兽-火红 - 金钱无限中文版 V3.0 586)
Famicom/NES / Re: New Game Sporz Consoles ready to get buyed
« Last post by May_Morals on January 24, 2025, 02:17:45 PM »
hey everyone, i have got some ungodly news. you might wanna go to the top of the topic.
Wonderful Wide Web / Re: Homebrew Multicart
« Last post by lucidapogee on January 24, 2025, 12:22:56 AM »
Big update!

IQ Puzzle has more colors!
Stalagmites now has hearts that spawn every 30 points.
There's also a bunch of other updates to Stalagmites.
Game Boy dumps / Re: Tabor's Dumps
« Last post by tabor62gb on January 22, 2025, 08:22:22 PM »
The game starts off with a cutscene starring what looks like Lara Croft to me. It's a very heavily edited down version of the opening scene from Tomb Raider for the GBC. They cut out some of the color, text, and most of the scene in general. Similar to 007, I had to overdump it to get a working ROM.

Developer: ???
Publisher: Sintax

Yue Nan Da Zuo Zhan 2 (越南大作戰2)
Game Boy dumps / Re: Tabor's Dumps
« Last post by tabor62gb on January 22, 2025, 08:21:52 PM »
I believe this game (and the next) are undumped. Since they're both very similar to each other as well as Metal Slug 2001, I wonder if they were both built on BBD's Platformer Engine. The game had to be overdumped, then trimmed down to 2MB as it was autodetecting and dumping as 1MB causing it not to run.

Anyways, enjoy!

Developer: ???
Publisher: Sintax

007 Shui Yu Zheng Feng (007誰與爭鋒)
Wonderful Wide Web / Re: Homebrew Multicart
« Last post by lucidapogee on January 22, 2025, 05:55:33 PM »

I adjusted the positioning of the potholes in Stalactites (yes, I renamed the game.. more appropriate).
Also, potholes don't kill you now, but just take 1 life. You appear outside the hole. There's technically still one way where a pothole can kill you instantly if you were jumping over two adjacent ones...

I changed the chalkboard in Monkey Math to use white text like chalk. I think it looks better.
Game Boy dumps / Re: Tabor's Dumps
« Last post by tabor62gb on January 21, 2025, 07:56:38 PM »
Yeah, it's just Pokemon Blue. They couldn't even put a space between Green and Version, but I guess that makes this "translation" so unique. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I know the GS symbol was only used on the North American releases of Pokemon Gold and Silver dating it's earliest possible release to around 2000. It also hilariously asks you to connect to Yellow to catch all 251 Pokemon (which wouldn't be possible even if it were Gen 2 since Celebi was event only in Japan... I think?). Even if you only consider non-event Gen 1 Pokemon, Ekans, Arbok, and Electabuzz aren't in Blue or Yellow making it impossible without using glitches.

Anyways, we know it's from the Sun/Tian Ren publisher due to the "SD" coding on the front and the fact that it does say "SUN" on the back of the PCB. It's kind of just a lazy title screen hack of Pokemon Blue but, enjoy I guess?

EDIT: Slight correction, I had the wrong palette turned on my Pocket while capturing the title screen. I've replaced the title screen image.

Developer: ???
Publisher: Tian Ren Electronics

Pokemon: GreenVersion
Wonderful Wide Web / Re: Homebrew Multicart
« Last post by lucidapogee on January 19, 2025, 12:45:58 PM »
Small update today. One of the screens on Monkey Math was corrupted when division with remainder was answered correctly.

Still testing between work... while also developing other games.
good evening,

yesterday, i have tested that subor/lexibook wii thingy, that can play wxn games via sd card. i was massively fascinated by this superpower of that machine and i wanted to know, if it is also possible to play the other cube tech vt03 games or the vt03 hacks such as aero gyrodine on it.

thank you in advance.
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