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Topics - Awesome Panda

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Bootleg Bazaar / WTB: Famiclone
« on: August 05, 2011, 10:47:44 AM »
I've recently come to the realisation that the Famiclones I own are either poor-quality or don't have a cartridge slot for Famicom games. I'd like to purchase one that is NTSC, has good picture quality (as in, the colours aren't screwed-up) and has a cartridge slot for Famicom (or NES, as I have a 60/72-pin adapter) games. If anyone is willing to sell me a Famiclone or direct me to a site selling then, then I'd be grateful. :)

Announcements & News / New Sub-Forum: Bootleg Bazaar
« on: August 04, 2011, 01:59:18 PM »
With the recent influx of topics for buying and selling I figured it'd be a good idea to make a seperate sub-forum for that. I will be moving the existing relevant topics to this in case you're wondering.

Hacker Center / Pokey
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:57:30 PM »
As I'm sure some of you are aware, NTDEC made a game called Pokey in 1989 which hasn't been dumped in its original form yet. However, I managed to find the PRG data for the game hidden in the Caltron 6-in-1. This, combined with the graphics from the Asder 20-in-1 has allowed me to compile the game as it was originally made without being split up into 4 seperate games. :D


Discussion Center / Fake Apple Stores
« on: July 21, 2011, 02:05:13 PM »
A follow-up to that fake Harry Potter books topic, if you like. I randomly stumbled on this from BBC News, and just when you thought that pirating games, DVDs and books wasn't enough, they manage to do something far more ridiculous.

Apparently, there's three fake Apple stores in Kunming (never heard of it, I'm not very good with Chinese geography) which presumably sell proper iPods, iPhones and various other things. According to the blogger I linked to, the store has poorly-constructed stairs, improperly painted walls and an incorrect logo so I'd say it's essentially the store equivalent of a pirated game. /:)

Hacker Center / 2K11 Super 16MB Ultra Mega Powerful Joy 210-in-1
« on: July 11, 2011, 04:51:26 PM »
Yes, a follow-up to that 105-in-1 mod I did. Basically, I crammed as many games as possible into 16MB (well, you could fit more games on with mapper conversions and getting CNROM and UNROM games to work properly. That and I put a few 384KB games in just because) and I ended up with twice as many games as the original Korean multicart tried to claim. (Well, arguably. Because of a lack of smaller games, there are a couple of hacks but still) Also worth pointing out that I tried to make it 32MB but for whatever reason, it can't load the latter half of the ROM.

Also, I hate to sound like a noob but I haven't got a clue how to make the listing stop after 210. Mainly because I can't be arsed to learn assembly but whatever. Then again, the menu I based it off crashed on the last page so I'm pretty sure it has the same problem.

Link :ninja:

Pirate Talk / PVP Station Light 2000
« on: July 09, 2011, 07:04:26 AM »
Not sure if this is the right place to put this topic (the right forum, that is) but I figured I might as well. Earlier today I got a PVP Station Light 2000, which as far as I can tell is basically a rehoused OneStation. A couple of differences that I noticed are that it's in PAL mode as opposed to NTSC and the colours are slightly off. (as in, yellows look more green than they're supposed to) You may notice that the build quality isn't great. (Air bubbles on the screen for one thing, as well as the A and B buttons being reversed for no apparent reason)

It comes with "888000" built-in games (actually 35), and a 666000-in-1 which as you can see in the photos below, is actually a OneStation cartridge. Presumably, other carts from that system are compatible with it, but I'm not entirely sure because I don't have any others. Problem is, the cart itself seems to be defective because I tried it about 100 times and I couldn't get it to start up. :\

Spoiler: click to toggle

Discussion Center / Cheetahmen's MIDIs
« on: June 23, 2011, 10:38:14 AM »
Not entirely sure if this is the right board to post it into, but I felt like uploading some MIDIs courtesy of boredom. And by some, I mean about 250. Some are incomplete because I was a doofus and couldn't be bothered to finish them. :P I was going to include some of these in Doom WADs at some point or another but knowing what I'm like, I probably won't end up finishing them so I figured I might as well upload them here instead. The only ones that have been in WADs that I have released were the Random SP tracks and "Song I Can't Remember The Name Of".

Worth pointing out that because I don't take this sort of thing seriously (most of the time, that is), a fair few of these MIDIs are intentionally awful.


Discussion Center / Finds (Not Pirates)
« on: June 17, 2011, 01:55:46 PM »
I felt like adding this topic, just because nobody else bothered.

A few things I found in mah hometown:

Spoiler: click to toggle

The 3rd-party Angler controller for the SNES
Rage Racer for the PS1
Pop N' Pop for the PS1

Got the controller for 50 pence and the games for £2 each. ^_^

Hacker Center / Donkey Kong Country 4 hack
« on: June 14, 2011, 04:28:01 PM »
Because I was bored and I tend to procrascinate a lot during exams, I figured I might as well see what I can do with the DKC4 ROM. A little bit, from what I've done:

*Changed some of the colour palettes
*Altered some of the music to sound a bit more accurate to the original soundtrack
*Changed the font, because I felt like it
*Removed the "4" from the name because it looked stupid

Not exactly DKC4: VT03 edition, but whatever.

In case you're wondering why I didn't bother editing the text, it's because I can't actually find it in the ROM. It doesn't arrange the letters in ASCII fashion, nor can I find it by looking at the PPU itself. I find this kind of odd, given that (as far as I'm aware) most Hummer games do the former.


Hacker Center / 2011 Super HiK 105-in-1 Turbo Edition
« on: June 04, 2011, 05:33:32 PM »
I was reluctant putting this up, but I figured that I put a fair bit of effort into this so I might as well.


A hacked version of that Korean 105-in-1 that came with the VT package or whatever it's called. The menu's been translated to English, the awful music's been replaced and some of the games are different, just because.

Pirate Talk / OneStation Cart Dump
« on: April 28, 2011, 06:07:15 PM »
I recently stumbled across this page of someone who managed to dump a OneStation multicart (the "Movie Games 15-in-1" which I don't recall seeing anywhere). I've been trying to obtain the ROM dump by contacting the bloke, but unfortunately I can't find his e-mail address anywhere. :\

BTW, I like how Tank 1990 is listed along with the other games. :P

Hacker Center / A few DreamGear games
« on: March 21, 2011, 04:12:52 PM »
Read the title. :)

Metro Mania
Wonder Rabbit

Added the menu, because I can.

Hacker Center / Toy Story (Famicom) Hack
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:28:02 PM »
A pretty simple hack that correct(ifie)s the Engrish from the original game. I also changed some of the graphical tiles as a result, although because the built-in copy protection or whatever is a complete pain in the arse, I had to leave some things as they were.


Pirate Talk / ABL's Youtube Channel
« on: March 12, 2011, 08:08:39 PM »
I was looking for videos on ABL (Advance Bright Ltd. in case you're unaware) and I happened to find that they have a channel on Youtube. There's 5 videos but for what I can tell, this one seems to combine all of the others into one video. (Although the last part has no music, even though the original video did)

Apparently, they seem to have licensed games from Nice Code, Conny and whoever did those sport games for the Zone 60 (JungleTac, I think). And they've made a ripoff of the Kinect/Playstation Move/whatever, which are essentially ripoffs of the Wii IMO.

1984-1992 / Another version of Magic Jewelry
« on: February 04, 2011, 05:00:36 PM »
I recently got a 190-in-1 multicart (as well as another one and The General's Son :D ) and one thing I found pretty quickly, other than Adventure Island being called Atlantis on the menu for some crazy reason, is that there appears to have been a third version of MJ. I suspect this one was developed between the original and MJ2. When compared with the original, the title screen was replaced with the menu from MJ2 (except the option to change the pieces is a 2 player option instead), there's only one song in the game (I think, at least) and the background was changed to what I think is Moscow, kind of like the one from BPS' awful Tetris port. Also, the one song that plays in the game was the one from level 7 of the original.

I doubt there was a single cart release of this version, and it might be worth pointing out that the multicart menu uses the same graphics as the menu from the game. Oh, and neither Hwang Shinwei or RCM are credited anywhere.

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