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Messages - Ankos

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Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: July 25, 2024, 04:38:26 PM »
Doesn't happen on cart

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: July 25, 2024, 10:53:59 AM »
Original SL release of Devil Land by Vast Fame. Use UCM for Vast Fame's SL releases in hhugboy

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: July 11, 2024, 11:30:38 PM »
Some more game dumps. I organized the files by settings to be used in hhugboy. Files under can display boot logo will work if you have use bootstrap ROM toggled on, while ones under cannot display boot logo will not run with that setting. UCM is my abbreviation for unlicensed compatibility mode. Use whatever UCM the folder is named after (I abbreviated their titles a little)

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: June 28, 2024, 07:56:43 AM »
Dark alleyway sales would be a pretty bad business model for this sort of stuff. Most of this stuff could just be sold out in the open since it was in countries where IP law was either weakly enforced or not enforced

Small shops I would guess was the most common distribution method, followed by mail order.

Where and when you were buying this stuff matters though. Waixing had (or I guess has) a very long career and was in Mainland China. I've heard Chinese users mention their games being available even in larger stores (supermarkets) at one point, but Waixing continued operations in the Famicom business much later than Hummer (which stuck around for a while but had moved on from cartridges). Out in Taiwan though it was only really small stores since this stuff died out earlier there and larger stores weren't much of a thing back then there

Without statements from people who were there though it is hard to say for certain for each game. Sometimes they showed up in magazine ads if you were lucky

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: June 27, 2024, 10:17:04 PM »
It would a bit of effort to dig those up and they wouldn't be particularly different from what I already posted. Here's some pictures from an expired xianyu listing instead (I did not make it in time to this one, it sold out before I got the chance)

Edit: Saw your other post. I was the one who suggested you visit this site (not sure if you recognized my username or not, I axed my reddit account a little bit ago). I suggested that because I remembered other users talking about digging through the ROM, which sounded more up your alley (I just look for carts, so I wouldn't be a ton of help with that). Anyways, yeah these xianyu pictures confirm the screen is used on cart

Game Boy dumps / Re: Pokemon Chikorita ROM
« on: June 16, 2024, 01:43:27 AM »
Ruten, Shopee Taiwan, and Yahoo Auctions Taiwan are all good sites to try. You'll need an agent to buy from them if you aren't in Taiwan though. I'd recommend Miakyou as an agent

Game Boy dumps / Re: Pokemon Chikorita ROM
« on: June 16, 2024, 12:45:51 AM »
Gave a pretty thorough search a try and didn't find it. The listing must've sold out, sorry. If you want to try and find a copy the countries I've seen it listed out of are Taiwan, Austria, and Indonesia. Good luck

Game Boy dumps / Re: Pokemon Chikorita ROM
« on: June 16, 2024, 12:09:58 AM »
I know this is super late but do you still have the dump file for this Chikorita bootleg game?
If so, may you please email this to me? :) I would be so happy to play this!

It isn't supported in emulators. I tried dumping it a long time ago, but I am not even sure anymore if I dumped it correctly the first time back when I posted it. If you are serious about wanting to play it then I do remember an old listing for a copy that might still be up if you want to play it on real hardware, but I'm not sure if that one is still up

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: June 16, 2024, 12:07:02 AM »
fcgamer is no longer active on this site

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: June 15, 2024, 02:25:39 PM »
As far as I'm aware those are the only two Shanghai Paradise carts that have been documented. There's another GD cart that might be from the same publisher, but it does not have Shanghai Paradise stuff on it

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: June 14, 2024, 10:29:00 PM »
The characters for Blood of Jurassic should be on the wiki page. If you search Mainland Chinese sites you'll want to switch those to Simplified Chinese. For Mainland China sites I recommend Xianyu (only accessible via its app). For Taiwanese sites Ruten, Shopee Taiwan, and Yahoo Auctions Taiwan are all good bets. Shanghai Paradise carts are hard to find though. Even if you know where to look, and what terms to search with, you still might not find them

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: June 14, 2024, 06:04:44 PM »
There should be some pictures of Super Hang On in the discord (here's one I nabbed). Not sure where to get better pics of Blood of Jurassic though. The shell itself can vary but the sticker should have their logo on it as well as a GD ID code. These are really hard to find though. If you search Chinese and Taiwanese sites regularly maybe you'll find one. Flea markets I don't think are going to have these though

Game Boy / Re: Vast fame's fire bird cheat card (info)
« on: May 20, 2024, 07:46:40 PM »
I did redump and confirm what I posted

Game Boy / Re: Vast fame's fire bird cheat card (info)
« on: May 20, 2024, 05:42:30 PM »
Oh you actually bought that one? Neat. Frankly my initial excitement of getting a Fire Bird has dwindled since we last talked about it but if I find an opportunity to get one then I certainly would consider it, lol.

If you've gotten the opportunity to dump the ROM from the working unit, can you confirm if it's identical to the common ROM? I'd also be interested in seeing what that weird link cable option at the bottom of the main menu does on real hardware, as going by emulation of the ROM, it still has the menu cursor for some reason and pressing the A button shows a loading dialog with changing hex values, which probably isn't how it's supposed to work? I'm willing to be proven wrong though. :p
The link cable thing didn't work when I tried it on cart. Probably doesn't activate unless you plug something into the link cable port. Maybe it's for copying codes between devices

Edit: Translation software says its for updating the device

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: May 20, 2024, 05:36:13 PM »
Here's the linear version of Devil Land by Vast Fame. This is the Kongfeng release. Use hhugboy and use the unlicensed copy protection mode for Taiwan versions of Vast Fame games. I'll also include a copy of this ROM with the English mode pre-enabled

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