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Messages - Ankos

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 21
Pirate Talk / 2024 Highlights for BGC Discoveries (and Happy New Year)
« on: January 29, 2025, 02:41:53 AM »
Something I wanted to make for a long time was a yearly thread going over highlights for cool discoveries when it came to topics covered on BGC. Unfortunately I missed my mark of releasing this on the solar new year, so I decided to post it on the lunar new year instead. Activity here has balanced more towards the Discord server as of late, so just being active on the forums is no longer as effective for staying up to date on this stuff, and I felt that a highlights thread could help fix that

I tried to come up with as many interesting topics as I could, but I was not writing them down as the year went on, so I most likely forgot some. Since I wanted to include lots of pictures and links, I wound up formatting this as a PDF file, but I do encourage anyone reading to join in on the discussion on any discoveries or developments from 2024 (not just the ones on my list) they think are interesting

I've been pretty in the weeds when it comes to this stuff, and I am admittedly not the most elegant writer, so sorry in advance if this a weird read. I included some links that I think will be useful, and also recommend checking BGW if you wish to learn more on some of these

Game Boy dumps / A-Force Prototype
« on: January 03, 2025, 09:24:59 PM »
This is my favorite thing I've gotten to share here so far. It's a ROM dump of a prototype copy of A-Force by Sachen I found a few months back. Technically this is the Mega Duck version, but Mega Duck games are mostly the same as Gameboy games at a programming level. I shipped it out to Sean Riddle who was able to dump it (he redumped a few times to make sure it is a good dump) and gave me some info on his findings:

"The EPROM is connected directly to the cart data bus D0-D7 and the cart address bus A0-A14.  Chip enable is connected to cart A15, so the EPROM outputs are tri-stated for addresses $8000-$FFFF.  Output enable is connected to /RD.  EPROM A15 is connected to the MC14174B HEX Type D Flip Flop’s output 0.  The flip flop’s input 0 is connected to data bus D0, and the clock input is tied low and connected via a diode OR gate to /WR and A14.  So writes with A14 low will latch data bit 0 for use as EPROM A15.  The flip flop’s /reset signal is connected to the cart’s /RST pad so that the game starts up in bank 0.  The other 5 flip flops are unused.

This 32K bank switching is different from the 16K bank switching used in the production carts.  That likely explains why large blocks of code have been shuffled around."

Interestingly the shell for the cart appears to use the design for Mega Duck carts that is seen in old advertisements (light colored plastic and slants on the sides of the cart)

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: December 27, 2024, 05:19:46 PM »
That would be pretty expensive to do. Also, no guarantee you'd find it. Shanghai Paradise was headquartered in Shanghai, but that doesn't necessarily mean they sold their games there, and even if they did they probably sold in low numbers considering how rare their games are. Most old posts I see from people who found copies of Blood of Jurassic make me think that Taiwan is where more copies ended up. Then again, the only copy of Super Hang On 97 I saw was from Mainland China, so idk

1993-1999 / Re: Shanghai Paradise Cartridge Photos
« on: December 24, 2024, 09:45:14 PM »
I don't think it is. The description I heard for Blood of Jurassic is that it has the same Shanghai Paradise crest that Super Hang On has, as well as the ID code GD-98 on the sticker

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:45:08 AM »
I checked the wiki and saw the Chinese version for 2003 Pocket Monster Carbuncle was undumped and the Chinese version for 2003 Pocket Monster Sapphire had an unconfirmed dump. I tried backing up my carts and got consistent results, so here they are

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: October 23, 2024, 01:42:42 AM »
Do you know who can fix these?

I currently do not have any contacts that can help you. Sorry

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: October 22, 2024, 04:28:57 PM »
hi Ankos,this is waixing dump - 光明之子,Can you fix it?
dumper 白粥与榨菜

I do not know how to fix ROMs. There is an emulator that adds compatibility for raw dumps of games called hhugboy, so I've posted games that work with that. That emulator does not currently support Waixing games though

Famicom/NES / Re: Best place to look for bootleg Famicom games?
« on: October 02, 2024, 08:36:41 PM »
To answer your question on whether or not unofficial Taiwanese Famicom games were sold in Europe, the answer is yes. Some was even sold in Western Europe and Canada. I would say those are not good locations to search through though. Not because the carts aren't there, but because you're going to mostly see official carts, so you'll be sifting through a bunch of stuff you don't want. Since you have a pretty short list of things you are looking for I would recommend taking your time when it comes to searching so you don't wind up overpaying a ton or get stuck using expensive shopping agents

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: September 07, 2024, 11:02:37 PM »
German pirate translation of some DBZ game

It's undumped. Also, why mix Chinese and English for the name of the game? Shouldn't it be Pi Ka Qiu Yong Chuang Emo Dao if you use toneless pinyin?

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: August 26, 2024, 05:27:46 PM »
Reuploading since support got added for it in hhugboy. Pocket Monster Crystal by SKOB

Edit: Here's a link to the hhugboy update. Looks like someone named JS7457 worked with taizou on this update

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: July 26, 2024, 11:31:06 PM »
Chinese version of the Makon fighting game. UCM: Makon New

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: July 25, 2024, 04:38:26 PM »
Doesn't happen on cart

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: July 25, 2024, 10:53:59 AM »
Original SL release of Devil Land by Vast Fame. Use UCM for Vast Fame's SL releases in hhugboy

Game Boy dumps / Re: Ankos' Games
« on: July 11, 2024, 11:30:38 PM »
Some more game dumps. I organized the files by settings to be used in hhugboy. Files under can display boot logo will work if you have use bootstrap ROM toggled on, while ones under cannot display boot logo will not run with that setting. UCM is my abbreviation for unlicensed compatibility mode. Use whatever UCM the folder is named after (I abbreviated their titles a little)

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