Pirate Talk / 2024 Highlights for BGC Discoveries (and Happy New Year)
« on: January 29, 2025, 02:41:53 AM »
Something I wanted to make for a long time was a yearly thread going over highlights for cool discoveries when it came to topics covered on BGC. Unfortunately I missed my mark of releasing this on the solar new year, so I decided to post it on the lunar new year instead. Activity here has balanced more towards the Discord server as of late, so just being active on the forums is no longer as effective for staying up to date on this stuff, and I felt that a highlights thread could help fix that
I tried to come up with as many interesting topics as I could, but I was not writing them down as the year went on, so I most likely forgot some. Since I wanted to include lots of pictures and links, I wound up formatting this as a PDF file, but I do encourage anyone reading to join in on the discussion on any discoveries or developments from 2024 (not just the ones on my list) they think are interesting
I've been pretty in the weeds when it comes to this stuff, and I am admittedly not the most elegant writer, so sorry in advance if this a weird read. I included some links that I think will be useful, and also recommend checking BGW if you wish to learn more on some of these
I tried to come up with as many interesting topics as I could, but I was not writing them down as the year went on, so I most likely forgot some. Since I wanted to include lots of pictures and links, I wound up formatting this as a PDF file, but I do encourage anyone reading to join in on the discussion on any discoveries or developments from 2024 (not just the ones on my list) they think are interesting
I've been pretty in the weeds when it comes to this stuff, and I am admittedly not the most elegant writer, so sorry in advance if this a weird read. I included some links that I think will be useful, and also recommend checking BGW if you wish to learn more on some of these