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Topics - sharkeylaser

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Famicom/NES / Assistance with Retro-Bit Generations NAND Dump
« on: December 11, 2019, 08:57:49 PM »
I managed to acquire a full NAND dump of the Retro-Bit Generations and have been trying to get the ROMs from there. Taking a look at the file in a hex editor, I was able to find several iNES ROM headers. After extracting just the header and loading it into NES Head, I was able to get the size of the ROM as stated by the header (bytes = header (16 bytes) + PRG-ROM + CHR-ROM sizes). Dumping that many bytes results in a file that NES Head doesn't complain about (YAY!) but it does not work in an emulator (tried NintendulatorNRS/Mesen/Nestopia). By opening the ROM in Tile Layer Pro, some of the sprites exists, but it appears the ROM gets cut short, since there are also missing sprites. I believe that there might be padding or junk data in between (stuff like "00@ABCDE0", "00EF0GH0", etc which I don't suppose I've seen in NES ROMs before) meaning I am not actually dumping the full ROM. I am not sure if this is because they added junk data into the NES ROMs, or if the headers and raw ROMs are stored separately with random stuff in between, but something isn't quite right. Even if I extract the ROMs from the start of the header to the end of the entire dump, the games still won't load in any emulators.
I am not sure if adding a link to the NAND dump is okay here or not, but if anyone can assist with getting these ROMs dumped, PM me please! Alternately, if anyone has any suggestions to try (would it be possible to mount the partitions in the dump?) please let me know. Thanks for your time!
Should have mentioned, I have confidence the dump is good. The dumper mentioned he validated the dump several times, on different systems, with a couple different NAND dumpers.

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