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Topics - metaflossy

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Pirate Talk / Going to Hong Kong for the first time...
« on: May 02, 2015, 03:29:11 PM »
So I'm taking a trip to Hong Kong in a couple months, and I've never left the US; I have no clue what to expect.

Of course I'm going to be shopping for bootleg goodies [games, toys, etc] along with clothing and stationary [ my other addictions hobbies]- - is there anything I should know?  Are bootlegs common in HK or will I have more luck in mainland China? I'm also going to the mainland, but I haven't decided on where yet; Is there anywhere specific I should go?  

Any advice is helpful whether or not it's related to bootleg collecting, and I'd love to hear about your own Hong Kong / Chinese adventures! C:

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