Author Topic: Cry Wolf Productions  (Read 3405 times)


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Cry Wolf Productions
« on: July 18, 2011, 01:24:57 AM »
Has anybody here heard about the recent mass attacks spearheaded by a "Cry Wolf Productions" on youtube?

Basically, any videos referencing Irate Gamer in a "negative" way (parodies, YTP, commentaries, rants, etc) are being false-flagged (and taken down) and the associated accounts are being suspended. Though it may be one end of the youtube spectrum, there is currently an uproar from about 100 users on youtube who are justifiably in rage due to their accounts being suspended by this phony company. A lot of these people are actually quite well known and have high production values for their video game reviews+videos; and their accounts (with whatever videos) were taken away from them. Besides the ~100 guys, it has also impacted some few others who have decided to leave youtube altogether.

Furthermore, several other accounts that have Irate Gamer related material have set their content to private to avoid this attacking spree.

Upon contact with Chris Bores by some other guy, he has strongly reaffirmed that he is not involved with this and is in fact upset that someone is using a phony company and potentially defaming him (not that he had too much fame to begin with; but he gets respect for at least saying that Cry Wolf Productions must be stopped). He quit false-flagging some years back and never false-flagged to this magnitude.

As a similar point, this kind of behaviour clearly reflects on how much youtube fails. You can clearly see how much youtube neglects the injustices and how false-flagging goes untapped.


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Cry Wolf Productions
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2011, 02:10:54 AM »
well what an entirely fucked up situation. this is definitely a problem with the internet in general though - lots of things are hosted by various big companies who will take down anything that someone claims infringes copyright or is libellous or whatever without a moment's thought. to them an individual user's account isnt even worth the time it would take them to look over the request and see if they actually have a case or not, they just delete/close/ban/etc to save themselves the trouble.


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Cry Wolf Productions
« Reply #2 on: July 18, 2011, 02:50:28 AM »
I wish YouTube didn't have the "monopoly" it has on the videos/video makers of the internet. They have far too many users with far too many videos and not NEARLY enough administrative staff to even try to keep it in check. It's all automated.. I am on my 2nd strike with my YouTube account, due to false flagging.. It sucks.

YouTube needs to have different categories that are FAR more prevelant than they are... Like, lets say a video category is "gaming", only other videos listed as "gaming" should be able to come up. Same for "Music" and everything else.. But no, its a polluted, overfilled mass of YONG YONG that's just gotten out of hand.

Long story short, I know what you mean and it sucks.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 02:51:34 AM by Doomkid »


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Cry Wolf Productions
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2011, 02:51:39 AM »
Odd there'd be someone out there that's going on a spree like this all in the name of some guy who completely ripped of someone else and isn't original in the slightest bit of the word.

That's very unfortunate about whole accounts being taken down, at the least it should just be the videos and the person would hopefully still have a copy of the original MP4 to upload again. For Youtube to just take down whole accounts because of one incident is pretty ridiculous. Doesn't exactly show they have any care for the amount of work spent in all the videos a user might have :/

Awesome Panda

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Cry Wolf Productions
« Reply #4 on: July 18, 2011, 04:15:25 AM »
Well I changed my Irate-related videos to private so that this troll/easily butthurt fanboy can't take down my videos. Speaking of which, those videos suck anyway so I might as well delete them myself. :P

BTW, this reminds me a lot of the time the Irate Gamer himself tried to take down those parodies of him and failed. (And Michael Rosen, for that matter)