Author Topic: Opening strange NES "compressed" formats?  (Read 2139 times)


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Opening strange NES "compressed" formats?
« on: August 22, 2021, 09:00:24 PM »
I came across a Russian YouTube channel by the name of "Всё Китай" (, which reviews a bunch of plug & play-ish consoles and whatnot. Generously, some of the videos' descriptions link to full dumps of the SD card directories for the consoles - some of which include NES ROMs.

...In most cases, however, all of the ROMs are in strange, seemingly compressed formats. Some consoles have ".ncs" files (in &, another has ".zfc" files (in, etc. While I messed around with some files to experiment, I couldn't figure out any way to turn them back into proper ".nes" file format. Does anyone have a clue as to how the ROMs could be properly extracted?

I'm guessing there's nothing unique on these, they all seem to be (badly) renamed internet ROMs; though I did see a few curious names that I don't recognize (like "Gird Dance.ncs", and completely indecipherable crap like "d4cjqrdz.ncs"). I think it's worth checking over to see if anything unique is buried in these...