Author Topic: 10 years of BootlegGames Wiki (and soon, the Bootleg Games Central Forum)  (Read 12549 times)


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...10 whole years since I've (re)started BootlegGames Wiki on Wikia.

I kind of wish I had something bigger planned for this but I couldn't really think of anything. Yet, I couldn't really let this go by either.

It's been about 10 years since I've (re)created BootlegGames Wiki on Wikia. A little later (July 31st to be exact), me and SpaceNinja88 would create "Pirated Games Central Forum" through Zetaboards. (Obviously this would later become "Bootleg Games Central Forum".) I'm still impressed and yet kind of shocked how much both have grown and changed over the years. I can't say it's always been great, with the likes of Wikia/Fandom constantly changing itself for the worst and having to move the forum because ZetaBoards was getting swallowed up by Tapatalk. (I guess this is kind of the issue with free hosting in general but 15-year-old me didn't really think this through.) Yet, we're still here.

As I've stated, this wasn't the first incarnation of BootlegGames Wiki. SpaceNinja88 and JP Ronny/Awesome Panda were responsible for the original version made on some other free wiki hosting site. (That I can't recall as I write this.) Despite initial interest, it eventually dropped off and was pretty much ditched. Eventually, I had the idea of bringing it back on Wikia. (At the time, it seemed way better than the previous site we used.) I thought there still needed to be a proper site to detail unlicensed and bootleg games and I was allowed to take the old name.

In regards to this forum, many of the old members like myself were a part of an old forum known as RX Community. RX Community also had its dedicated bootleg games section at the time. However, CrashManEXE/BrydoRX (the admin of the site) was getting rather sick of people joining only just to talk about bootlegs. (He wanted RX Community to be more of a general community forum.) This gave me and SpaceNinja88 the idea to create the Pirated Games Central Forum, adopting the name from SpaceNinja88's old blog under the similar name. (Pirated Games Central)

I would like to thank everyone who has either contributed to both the wiki and the forum over the years. The wiki and the forums themselves wouldn't have made it so far if it wasn't thanks to all of you. Even simply participating or just making the most simple (and yet helpful) edit on the wiki means a lot to me.

Some particular people I would like to give a shoutout too:
-CrashmanEXE/BrydoRX - Basically for getting me into bootleg games to begin with. I came across his gameplay videos on bootleg games long ago which has sparked my interest in these kinds of games to begin with.
-SpaceNinja88/Underground Revolution and JP Ronny/Awesome Panda - Not only for starting the original Bootleg Games Wiki, but also for their help on the wiki and the forums for the early days.
-Taizou and MLX - You two have been a big help since the beginning in regards to maintaining the wiki and helping with the forums. I also really appreciate both of your preservation efforts as of late as well.


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It's hard to believe that this has been going on that long (even though I was not part of it for most of its history). Since we are giving shoutouts to people who have contributed greatly to the community, I think I'll mention a couple of people who I think deserve some recognition.

Barver - He  made the Pirate Games Museum website
codeman38 - He made a lot of discoveries about trademarks and copyrights early on in the forum's lifetime
Pepper98 - She ran a Blogspot under the name Shazam, and provided scans and photos as well as videos for many bootlegs
fcgamer - He runs a WordPress that gives insight into the history of many bootleg and unlicensed game companies

Thanks to that massive hack on Nintendo (which hopefully won't hurt their business too much), we may be seeing a lot more material of the Wiki in the future
« Last Edit: May 08, 2020, 04:35:08 PM by 瓜瓜龍 »


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We need a theme song, don't ya think?

Yes... I also have no idea how we could commemorate this XD I mean we can't make a party or something, due to overseas members and also COVID19. But making a commemoration video would be something too small... :p


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Oh! Of course, I forgot him completely! Anyone else?


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Me me me me me me me me me me me!

I honestly didn't expect this whole... franchise to go for over 10 years, but that's usually because I've been there for a while. I've helped with the Dendy-related stuff, I'm still the only Russian-speaking mod on both the Discord and the forums (who had first-hand experience with famiclones, naturally), and I've also came up with the color scheme for the wiki before Taizou made it all tidy and clean. Though that last one was probably on accident.

So here's to another ten years of BGC! And maybe even more!


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I see. Website discord is deleted What happen??