Pirate Discussion > Hacker Center

Any way I can make Somari warp?

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Okay, let's say I want to make a hack of Somari, Sonic the Hedgehog, start not from the Spring Yard Zone but from Green Hill. Is there any way to patch/correct the ROM so it would begin there?

It's possible, but you need to know about advanced hexhacking in order to do that.

I only hope that the new title screen, the character's palette and the new starting level are the only things that have been changed compared to Somari...

From what I've played of the Sonic the Hedgehog/Sonic 3D Blast 5 version, they seem to be the exact same otherwise.  I can't picture a company, especially a bootleg one, making any engine revisions or whatever unless they're porting to a different system like the Samuri.  It would be needless extra work for them.

Maybe this seems obvious, but you could probably take the Somari ROM and replace the tiles for Somari himself and the title screen. (I wonder if the brain toniq I drank before posting this actually worked?)


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