Pirate Discussion > 2000-present

Looking for ROMs and stuff

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Hey guys! I'm looking for (a lot of) ROMs that I haven't been able to find.

Mostly, I'm looking for some separate ROMs of the games on some Power Joy multicarts. (Navigator and Supermax). I haven't been able to get the Power Joy ROMs to work in an emulator.

•Dragon Running
•War of Strike Mouse
•Panda Adventure
•Space Shuttle Exploration
•Finger DDR
•Sanguo Chunqiu: Sichuan Sheng
•Pet Dance (the hack of Picadance on the Pokémon 4-in-1)

Next, I'm looking for separate ROMs on the Super New Year Cart 15-in-1. I already have found some of them. Here's the ones I need:

•Pink Jelly
•The Duck
•The Egg

Next, I'm looking for a separate ROM of the complete version of Hummer Team's port of Super Mario World. The one that was on the 45-in-1 multicart.

I'm also looking for a ROM of Dance Y2K.

I'm not sure if ZDog has been dumped, but if it is, is there a separate ROM of that Ping Pong game?


Colonel Llama:
All i have is 2 Power Joy roms that works on any version of FCEUX, from CaH4e3's webisite. They have some of the games you're looking for (Pet Dance, Dragon Running and Space Shuttle Exploration). Hope that helps.

powerjoy.zipBTW, do you guys happen to have a rom of Super Bros. 8 (hack of Don Doko Don 2)? I can't find one anywhere!


Colonel Llama:
You're welcome ;)

Found 3 ROMs of Super Bros. 8 for you. I attached all of them to this post.  :)

One of them doesn't seem to work for me, and the other two are hacked versions that work fine.


* Super_Bros_8__Unl______2_.nes.zip (170.29 KB)
* Super_Bros_8__Unl___T_Rus_v0.99___fix_by_Phil_.nes.zip (170.79 KB)
* Super_Bros_8__Unl___T_Eng_by_Guyver_v0.99___fix_by_Phil_.nes.zip (170.62 KB)


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