Author Topic: Games you most like and hate. :)  (Read 2836 times)


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Games you most like and hate. :)
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:46:32 PM »
Ok... Here we go!
I have seen with the time, that some graphics are bit ugly for the console that they are making, so there's my List.

The Black Bass - Urgh, looks like it was drawn on the MS-DOS Paint, and also the gameplay. meh. nothing to comment.

Hoshi wo Miru Hito - Another Gold Turd. Not being rude, but i kinda don't like complex japanese RPGS, they look like windows popups.

Takeshi's Challenge - It's another one, but got that funny-japanese style. But it got that logic, it's so bad, that it's good.

FrontLine - It's just burns my eyes, over abusing of color, even a inventor hack of front line is way better, to make it better you just need to, put some MUSIC When you play this game at night it's become REALLY, REALLY REALLY Boring, i can't even stand 1 minute playing it i just turn off and choose megaman :angry2:

Rocky & Bullshitwink - The music glitchs up at 2 level, and the colors are depressing, the music got the shortest loop ever in a nes game, more than wayne's world that the first level music, looks like somebody scratched the disk and it keeps again, and again, and again and AGAIN.  :rolleyes:
M.U.S.C.L.E. - This game come with EVERY dynavision console, for some reason, when i play with a friend, the game becomes fun weirdly,  :shock:
Because we laugh at the game for how bad is this, it don't barely works.  :D


Larange Point - It's show's that the VCR7 Chip can do anything, it's a very great RPG. and i kinda don't like RPG's. except for Pokémon, It's great.

Honoo no Doukyuuji: Dodge Danpei and his sequel - A Dodgeball game! I love dodgeball, and NES, So this game has made for me! great anime graphics, great music animation, Man Sunsoft got greaaaat programmers.  :dance:

Recca Summer Carnival ‘92 - Yeah, that rare NES game, it's makes Graudius looks like Star Force. The gameplay is fast, great music and also great graphics, the poor NES is getting raped by the limitations. in Super Mario Bros, the game starts lagging when there are 4 enemies, but here, got like a Thousand of enemy's and got a nice variety. :O

River City Ransom - Great Graphics! And Colors! And the music is very cool too, and playing with a friend? Of course! Looks like Double Dragon, but you is a bit ''Free'' The map is big, the story is cool, BUT i was sad because, when i played in my console when kid, it has in japanese, and i don't understanded a shit.

Ninja Gaiden - Yeah, another one, it got the most great animated cutscenes, in anime style. also the gameplay is very great, i gonna make a palette remake of this.

Mike Tyson's Punchout - ...Or just know has NOCAUTE in my country, yeah, i like but some characters have huge stereotypes. and mike tyson only played it after 20 years!

Contra - Yeah, RATATATATA TA BOW POW KABOOOOOOOM... The best game to play in Co-op, i like playing games with Co-op, But man! This game is hard, but here the game come modified with Unlimited Spread Gun, and 30 Lives, it don't make any sense, but later i got a normal copy of contra with only 3 lifes.

There's my list!

« Last Edit: February 28, 2015, 08:47:42 PM by TALUIGI »


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Games you most like and hate. :)
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2016, 08:36:29 PM »
I'll make this short: Warhammer Online in both categories!

It ruined gaming for me (no MMORPG before or after came close...well, Vanilla WoW is kinda close, but it was my first, you know, rose colored glasses and stuff...) but it also gave me the most fun I ever had, and it lasted for years!  <3