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Messages - andlabs

Pages: 1 [2]
Mega Drive/Genesis / Elf Wor credits?
« on: August 26, 2011, 01:58:07 PM »
Some of the music is from Magic Girl...

Mega Drive/Genesis / Elf Wor credits?
« on: August 25, 2011, 09:13:59 PM »
Divingkataetheweirdo got the credits translated on The Cutting Room Floor: IDK how he/she got it, but ok, thanks!

Mega Drive/Genesis / Elf Wor credits?
« on: August 22, 2011, 10:35:19 AM »
Cool. It also turns out I was using the wrong instruction for the unused password; use 58D6:720F to enable it.

Mega Drive/Genesis / Elf Wor credits?
« on: August 22, 2011, 10:03:08 AM »
We know that the back of Elf Wor's box has a picture of the title screen with a copyright which is missing from the final game and the final game has no credits. Digging around to see if they were unused, I noticed something:
ROM:00004096 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
ROM:00004096 AfterLevelEnd:                          ; CODE XREF: sub_BA4+60p
ROM:00004096                 cmpi.w  #$12,($FF1000).l ; at the last level?
ROM:0000409E                 blt.w   nullsub_7       ; no
ROM:000040A2                 bra.w   sub_4234        ; yes
ROM:000040A2 ; End of function AfterLevelEnd
ROM:000040A2 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ROM:000040A6                 (lots of unused data here)
ROM:00004234 ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
ROM:00004234 sub_4234:                               ; CODE XREF: AfterLevelEnd+Cj
ROM:00004234                 lea     (TitleScreen).l,a1
ROM:0000423A                 move.l  a1,(sp)         ; so the rts below will jump there
ROM:0000423A ; End of function sub_4234
ROM:0000423C ; =============== S U B R O U T I N E =======================================
ROM:0000423C nullsub_7:                              ; CODE XREF: AfterLevelEnd+8j
ROM:0000423C                 rts
ROM:0000423C ; End of function nullsub_7
Well it turns out all that data is actually code! If I nop the bra.w sub_4234 instruction out with the patch/PAR codes 40A2:4E71 and 40A4:4E71, I get a credits roll with (some type of) fireworks and the characters... just standing there! Given that the characters are there and I haven't seen an ending with fireworks, I'm guessing this indeed is the Elf Wor credits; who knows.

Here is a ROM with the instruction nopped out and the copy protection mechanisms circumvented. To speed things up, 3C7C:4E75 has the game not take away keys from you.

I am 90% certain the title screen copyright was completely removed. In any case, enjoy!

PS - I tried re-enabling the unused password but the game crashes when entering it; I'll have to see why (I have a vague idea of whyt hough).

Mega Drive/Genesis / Info on a few pirate hacks?
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:52:20 AM »
A side note: Truco 96 and TC 2000 were developed by some folks in Argentina going by the name Miky (which is an abbreviation of the leader's first name).

Mega Drive/Genesis / Bao Xiao San Guo
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:48:46 AM »
Hi, let's resurrect few-month-old topics =P

Barver told me that this game was indeed by C&E. I checked (having found it before finding this thread; see below): it does indeed use C&E's sound driver... and that's about the only thing it has in common with other C&E games. It sounds like whoever wrote this game wrote it in assembly language while all the other MD games were written by someone else presumably in C (though I'm not entirely sure on that)... To me, it also feels somewhat unpolished in comparison to the other ones.

Now assuming Barver is right, these (since I found two others in nongoodgen, "funny of three kingdoms" and "game to chinese 2") are not dumps of the original, since they take pains to make sure they're always credited =P Neither are our Xin Qi Gai Wang Zi dumps...

Mega Drive/Genesis / Tiny Toon Adventures 3 + ROM
« on: August 21, 2011, 01:36:28 AM »
Hi! When I reboot later I can grab and post some random memory addresses that do special things =P

I'm surprised about Thunderbolt II being "difficult to dump;" all the other "GM-95" games use very similar forms of copy protection in which the game just reads a bunch of raw registers :/ Someone should still at least try to dump it, if they have it =P

I thought I had more to say here but I forgot :/

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