Author Topic: Singing Cicada mobile games  (Read 2989 times)


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Singing Cicada mobile games
« on: January 28, 2011, 04:17:20 AM »
I can't recall if this was discussed on the RX forums before, but I recently came across them again and thought I might as well bring it more attention. Singing Cicada are a company in China who are probably only ever going to be known for having produced a rip-off of Castlevania for mobile phones called 秦殇—千年轮回, roughly translated The Qin War - Thousand Year Rebirth or usually just called Qin Shang. A lot of the graphics are clearly ripped from the whole Castlevania series, possibly mainly SOTN. Here's a video of it:

You can get the Java executable from here.!/PSP_TOOL/MO/QS_EMC.rar
Apparently this is a version someone made to run on PSP or something, I don't get it. Fastest download I could find though, the game is easy to find, it's in a folder marked as Qinsan. Also comes with a cheap port of Aria of Sorrow for mobile, may as well ignore that. If you want to play it on your PC, you need the emulator Sj Boy Special Edition. There's also another one called KEmulator, but I think Sj Boy is supposed to be better.

Back onto the company, they seem to still be making games, though it's been over a year since their last one, which is called Monkey King. I haven't looked much for the file yet, but you can see shots here.
I swear the graphics feel familiar at parts, and of course if they're gonna ripoff graphics for one product, they'd likely do it again. But I don't remember anything they might be from. it looks pretty good though.

Their first game appears to be a shooter called 天空战记, or Space Chronicles I guess. I can't find much about it besides the official page here:
That title screen feels familiar. The game's name leads me to believe they stole it from this.

The only other two games they list on their site don't have a page of their own, but appear to be released. Here's some pages with shots I found.

征神领域(Lost Odyssey)


Though that site for 征神领域 seems to have a download for the game, their official forums which has a subforum for each games makes it appear that game is still in development. Lazy on updating I guess? But what's interesting is they also have a subforum for a Qin Shang II. I bet it never gets released  :D

« Last Edit: January 28, 2011, 04:18:58 AM by Barver »