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Pirate Discussion => Famicom/NES => Topic started by: forgotusername on July 13, 2022, 05:28:27 PM

Title: Prototype games on vintage multicart?
Post by: forgotusername on July 13, 2022, 05:28:27 PM
The other day, I came across a video of a 32-in-1, reset-based multicart ( Bizarrely, all of the games are 256k titles (meaning the cart is seemingly 8 MB?), with two of them being well-known, unreleased games: Bio Force Ape and Time Diver Eon Man. I also noticed that Solomon’s Key 2 resembles a known, NTSC prototype revision (mainly evident by the “Biginning” menu typo).

This multicart looks pretty vintage from the thumbnail preview picture (probably mid-to-late 90s?); which would indicate this isn’t just a case of copying internet ROMs, as Bio Force Ape in particular wasn’t dumped for many years. Does anyone know more about this cartridge, or if it’s been analyzed to make sure these aren’t undocumented beta revisions?
Title: Re: Prototype games on vintage multicart?
Post by: Ankos on July 14, 2022, 09:44:59 PM
I've never seen that before, though I don't really collect famicom stuff. Here is a Xianyu listing for it if you are looking to get a copy. I don't see anything interesting on the games list on the back though
Edit: The sticker for the one I linked shows different games. I guess it was made by the same company