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Getting a hold of Gametec, Chuapu, BBD, Vast Fame, Sintax, etc

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Wow, I'm sorry, I guess I'm supposed to know your whole back story. Hey everyone, look at this guy, he has other people do all the work for him! WOW!

If you're going to make a post basically coming off like you want someone else's engine so you have half of the work or more already done for you, I don't think it's farfetched that I interpreted it how I did. Saying you have other people do all the work for you doesn't exactly come off as the best defense to what I was saying, either. Why can't they just program something for you, then? I don't see why you need shitty pirate engines. Unless you're having problems keeping your programmers on their leashes.

Who's the pizza analogy for, btw? I guess we're all pizza eaters because god forbid we don't take a stand for retro gaming and try to make our own games. We all must join in the fight, or else we're good for nothing lazy geeks, right?

BTW I recognize you now and I always thought you came off a bit as a dick. This just confirms it.

Pizza anology is general; if the shoe fits, wear it.

Anyways again, I like to make cool things to release to the public, Small games, I am just working on a small game based on Christmas Craze engine to get better at sprite art. A visited site has a lot of good and new content, so I try to get new things done.

The rest, why even bother...

Sorry If I'm question:

"I been wondering how hard would it be to get a hold of those companies?"

Made you understand that I wanted all the work already done.

I don't think the pizza analogy fits any of us, and am still confused about it, but whatever.

I'll admit my post came off bad and was making assumptions just like I felt you were.


Fair Enough

If your team is so good, then get them to be able to properly emulate the Gowin and Sintax stuff out there with the copy protection.  Work on something useful like that man, instead of this nonsense of remaking these unlicensed games.

Look at Greg Pabich and that whole clusterf*** situation with Cheetahmen 2.  Sure, it got Cheetahmen 2 out to the masses, but the appeal and desirability for that game has tanked.  Used to be a game I wanted, not so much anymore.  

Just leave these games in the past, where they belong, and enjoy them as they are.


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