Author Topic: "X-Games"(?) Famiclone  (Read 3061 times)


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"X-Games"(?) Famiclone
« on: July 29, 2012, 09:06:22 PM »
Just trying to track down some info on something I saw ages ago and I've never been able to find since... a Famiclone I saw being demonstrated in the Prospect Centre in Hull around Christmas 2005 or 2006. I don't remember much about the actual console,but it was most likely one of those N64 controller-ish clones, and I think it was called something like "X Games" or "X Games II" maybe (although I could be completely wrong on the name, and it may have been sold under multiple names anyway)

It had all the standard games you usually see built into this type of thing, but they'd made some kind of attempt to skirt trademark infringement and removed all the title logos from the games, and very slightly renamed them in the menu - the one thing that really stands out to me and is pretty much the sole reason I even remember this thing at all is the two Donkey Kong games on it. One had been renamed "Honkey Kong" - okay that was quite amusing, I thought, until I spotted the next one. HONKEY DONG. i swear to god.

so yeah, basically I'm trying to find even the tiniest bit of proof that this console existed and I'm not insane. anyone?