Pirate Discussion > 1993-1999

Titenic reuses sounds from Aladdin?


Hi guys,

I've been playing the Hummer Team games Titenic and Aladdin recently, and I noticed that the sound effect of the chef guy in Titenic attacking you is very similar to the sound of the first boss in Aladdin attacking you with his sword.

Maybe probably I am wrong about this, and it's probably just a similar sound, but maybe it was reused. I don't know.  :P It's similar either way though.

So... yeah. That's it really.

Hummer is pretty well known for reusing sounds (And sometimes music, whether used or left on) through out their games, can't exactly name specific examples as it seems most of the time every one of their games use the same bank of sounds, but I can tell you SMW on NES has similar sounds to DKC 4 on NES, as well as most other Hummer games

Yeah I guess so

Hummer Team games are full of reused sound effects. Aladdin uses the Somari ring sound as its pickup sound for everything. Actually, I'm pretty sure the jump sound in Titenic is the Yoshi sound from Super Mario World as well!  ;D


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