Author Topic: Character addresses and values for Hummer's fighters  (Read 4136 times)


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Character addresses and values for Hummer's fighters
« on: September 29, 2013, 01:16:39 AM »
Street Fighter II
Address: 00A0/00A1
00 - Ryu
01 - Chun-Li
02 - Guile
03 - Zangief
04 - Vega

Master Fighter VI' -
Address: 00A3/00A4
00 - Chun-Li
01 - Dhalsim
02 - Ryu
03 - Balrog/Vega
04 - Guile
05 - Blanka
06 - Sagat
07 - Vega/M.Bison
08 - Bison/Balrog
09 - E.Honda
0A - Zangief
0B - Ken
0C and onwards - Glitched characters using clone names

Street Fighter IV -
Address: 00A3/00A4
00 - Cliff
01 - Bunny
02 - Chunfo
03 - Pasta
04 - Stalong
05 - Musashi

Kart Fighter -
Address: 00B0/00B1
00 - Kinopio
01 - Mari
02 - Yossy
03 - Nokonoko
04 - Peach
05 - DK Jr.
06 - Koopa
07 - Luigi
08 - Luigi clone with light green overalls, black gloves. Projectile is behind the background
09 - Green Kinopio clone, has an uppercut done by repeatedly pressing A. Most likely using E.Honda's commands from MFVI'.
0A - Green Kinopio clone, has an uppercut done by repeatedly pressing A and a projectile done by pressing Forward, Down-Forward, Down, a. Most likely using Zangief's commands from MFVI'.
0B - Green Kinopio clone, has a projectile with the command Down, Down-Forward, Forward, A, an uppercut with the command Down, Down-Forward, Forward, B and a flying kick with the command Forward, Down-Forward, Down, b.

AV Bishoujo Senshi Girl Fighting -
Address: 00B0/00B1
00 - Chun-Li
01 - Marry
02 - Vivian
03 - Niny
04 - Janifer
05 - Jean
06 - Sugico
07 - Ramma
08 - "Niny", Skang Tsung development leftover and uses Chun-Li's 2P palette. Only has a fireball attack done by pressing Down, Down-Forward, Forward, a.
09 - "Musashi", Green Chun-Li clone. Doesn't stop moving to the right. Holding the opposite direction causes her to move left.
Down, Down-Forward, Forward, a - Projectile
0A - "Ranboo", Green Chun-Li clone, no special attacks
0B - "Conbon", Green Chun-Li clone, similar to 09.
Down, Down-Forward, Forward, a - Lightning Legs

Dragon Ball Z - Super Butouden 2
Address: 00A3/00A4
00 - Vegeta
01 - Cell
02 - Zangya
03 - Gohan
04 - Goku
05 - Trunks
06 - Cell Jr
07 - Piccolo
08 - Skang Tsung development leftover with Vegata's 2P palette, jump attacks and kicks can one-hit ko but all other attacks do no damage except for projectile.
Down, Down-Forward, Forward, a - Projectile
09 - Vegeta 2P palette clone, acts similar to 08
0A - Vegeta 2P palette clone, no projectile, acts similar to 08
0B Vegeta 2P palette clone, acts similar to 08 but uses Vegata's dive kick attack instead of a projectile

Mortal Kombat II
Address: 00A3/00A4
00 - Rayden
01 - Sonya
02 - Sub-Zero
03 - Scorpion
04 - Kano
05 - Johnny Cage
06 - Liu Kang
07 - Goro
08 - Skang Tsung (note: does NOT transform)
09 - Raiden clone, has a palette similar to E.Honda's
Back, Forward, b - Projectile
Forward, Down-Forward, Down, a - Flying Attack
Press A repeatedly - Double Kick
0A - Rayden clone, has a moveset and palette similar to Zangief's from MFVI'
0B - Rayden clone, has a moveset and palette similar to Ken from MFVI'.

Mortal Kombat II Special
Address: 00B4/00B5
00 - Liu Kang
01 - Kung Lao
02 - Johnny Cage
03 - Reptile
04 - Sub-Zero
05 - Shang Tsung
06 - Kitana
07 - Jax
08 - Mileena
09 - Baraka
0A - Scorpion
0B - Raiden
0C - Goro
0D - Shao Khan
0E - Invisible Reptile, freezes whenever he is forced to turn visible (being hit, turning invisible or when the round is over)

Garou Densetsu Special
Address: 00B4/00B5
00 - Terry Bogaro
01 - NT Kau Lok (Andy Bogard)
02 - Joe Higashi
03 - Kim Kaphwan
04 - Mai Shiranui
05 - Tung Fu Rue
06 - W Krauser
07 - Ryo Sakazaki
08 - Mileena (Earlier version, contains palette data and tile layout as well as her roll attack)
09 - Baraka (Earlier version of Scorpion, contains palette data and tile layout as well as an unused move that looks similar to Raiden's grab but acts as a stationary attack)
0A - Scorpion (Earlier version of Baraka, contains palette data and tile layout as well as his crouching slash attack)
0B - Raiden (Earlier version, contains palette data and tile layout as well as his grab attack that acts like his flying attack. This move appears to be buggy since if Raiden reaches the opponent while flying, he'll preform a standing kick instead of landing which causes him to stand on the air)
0C - Goro (Really early version, only contains palette data)
0D - Shao Khan (Really early version, only contains palette data)
0E - Invisible Reptile (Early version? Contains only palette data of original Reptile. Uses Kim Kaphwan's name due to the fact the pointers weren't changed)

Power Rangers III
Address: 00B4/00B5
00 - Zach
01 - Billy
02 - Jason
03 - Kinbealy
04 - Trini
05 - 1st Boss
06 - 2nd Boss
07 - 3rd Boss
08 - 4th Boss
09 - 5th Boss
0A - Final Boss
0B - Brown Grunt
0C - Yellow Grunt
0D - Purple/Red Grunt
0E && 0F - Purple/Black Grunt

Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final (Chinese)
Address: 00B6/00B7
00 - Yuusuke Urameshii
01 - Kuwabara Kazuma (Note: In the cut-down versions of the game, he's removed from the select screen but he's still accessible through hacking. His graphics are glitched however since they have been removed.)
02 - Miwamino Shurichi
03 - Hiei
04 - Sensui Shinobu
05 - Yohko Kurama
06 - ? (Name unknown)
07 - ? (Name unknown)
08 - Mileena (Palette data and tile layout remain. Can't use any special attacks and the dashes have her using hit states)
09 - Baraka (Palette data and tile layout remain. Can't use any special attacks and the dashes have him using hit states)
0A - Scorpion (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0B - Raiden (Palette data and tile layout remain. Can't use any special attacks and the dashes have him using hit states)
0C - Goro (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0D - Shao Khan (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0E - Invisible Reptile (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)

Shin Samurai Spirits 2
Address: 00B9/00BA
00 - Haohmaru
01 - Charloette
02 - Hanzo
03 - Ukyo
04 - Nakonuru
05 - Nicotine
06 - Jubei
07 - Cham Cham
08 - Mizuki
09 - Baraka (Tile layout and palette data only seem to remain. The dashes are still hit states but have been glitched. The palette is constantly switching however)
0A - Scorpion (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0B - Raiden (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0C - Goro (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0D - Shao Khan (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0E - Invisible Reptile (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)

Ture MK3
Address: 00B6/00B7
00 - Liu Kang
01 - Stryker
02 - Kano
03 - Sub-Zero (Missing in MK4. When hacked, he appears as Stryker with the original palette. All special attacks use Stryker's special attack animations but function the same. The freeze projectile uses Liu Kang's high projectile instead)
04 - Sonya
05 - "Shang Tsung" (Shao Khan)
06 - Nightwolf (Appears as Shao Khan using the original palette in MK4. All special attacks use Shao Khan's animations but are bugged)
07 - Cham Cham (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
08 - Mizuki (Glitched Kano using Mizuki's palette. Standing Kick, Throw, and A+B attack can glitch the game out and kill the opponent in one hit. All other attacks can't hit. Choke attack violenty shakes the screen. All special attacks cause a flickering effect which might be a possible leftover from Mizuki.)
(Note: In MK4, the sprites are glitched, the kick does very little damage, the throw only does about 3/4 damage and the A+B attack doesn't always work)
09 - Baraka (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0A - Scorpion (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0B - Raiden (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0C - Goro (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0D - Shao Khan (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)
0E - Invisible Reptile (Palette data only remains, glitches game out)

Tekken 2
Address: 00B9/00BA
00 - Heihachi
01 - Nina Williams
02 - Marshall Law
03 - Kazuya
04 - Paul Phoenix
05 - King
06 - Michelle
07 - Wang
08 - Mizuki (Glitched Wang, upon making contact with an air attack or kick, the game glitches out. All special attacks cause a flickering effect which might be a possible leftover from Mizuki.)
09 - Wang clone, has no special attacks. Upon making contact with an air attack or kick, the game glitches out.
0A - Glitched Wang clone, jumps forward and glitches the game.
0B - Wang clone, same as 09.
0C - 0E - Glitched Wang clones that just freeze the game.

Street Fighter Zero 2 97
Address: 00B6/00B7
00 - Ryu
01 - Chun-Li
02 - Nash
03 - Ken
04 - Guy (Missing in hacked version, functional but graphics are glitched)
05 - Sagat (Missing in hacked version, functional but graphics are glitched)
06 - Sodom (Missing in hacked version, functional but graphics are glitched)
07 - Adon (Missing in hacked version, functional but graphics are glitched)
08 - Gouki (Missing in hacked version, functional but graphics are glitched)
09 - Glitches game
0A - Wang clone that glitches the game.
0B - Wang clone using Adon's sprites and Wang's palette. Air attacks and crouch punching causes the opponent to act strangely and lose all their health. All other attacks don't work including the throw. Doesn't have any special attacks.
(Note: Graphics are glitched in the hacked version since Adon's sprites are missing)
0B - 0E - Glitched Wang clones that just freeze the game.

King of Fighters 96 (NT version)
Address: 00B9/00BA
00 - Kyu (Kyo) (Missing, has everything but graphics)
01 - Benimary (Benimaru) (Missing, has everything but graphics)
02 - Goro Daimon
03 - Terry (Missing, has everything but graphics)
04 - Andy (Missing, has everything but graphics)
05 - Joe (Missing, has everything but graphics)
06 - Ryo (Missing, has everything but graphics)
07 - Kim (Missing, has everything but graphics)
08 - Yuri
09 - Leora
0A - Ralf (Missing, has everything but graphics)
0B - Athena (Missing, has everything but graphics)
0C - Kasumi (Missing, has everything but graphics)
0D - King
0E - Mai (Missing, has everything but graphics)
0F - Geese (Missing, has everything but graphics)
10 - Wolfgang (Missing, has everything but graphics)
11 - Iori
12 - Chizuru
13 - Goenitz

NOTE: By flickering effect, I'm referring to when the player is flickering and is unable to use special moves. This effect wears off after getting hit.

Things to point out:
  • Street Fighter II appears to be the only game that uses its own unique character address, possibly because it was the first game to use this engine.
  • Street Fighter IV was most likely made during Master Fighter VI's development, possibly during MFVI's earlier stages. This is evidenced by the fact that Street Fighter IV appears to not have any additional data associated with any character values after Musashi's.
  • Mortal Kombat II was probably started after MFVI was finished. The final 3 clones all contain palettes and commands from the last 3 characters in MFVI' (in character value order) as well as the only other Hummer game to have the SFIII font.
  • Because of the above fact, this would mean Kart Fighter, AVGF and DBZ - SB2 all used earlier builds of Mortal Kombat II, with DBZ - SB2 using a build that was closer to the final mainly because the addresses for the characters are identical.
  • AVGF was most likely built off of MKII and not Kart Fighter beceause the AI resembles MKII much more and AVGF has a leftover of "Skang Tsung" whereas Kart Fighter does not. The similar character addresses between the two games may have been just another part of the code that was reused from Kart Fighter.
  • It's possible the engine for Garou/MKIIS was redone. Any game including MKII and the ones that predate it don't change palettes if the character is forced to change in the middle of a round whereas in the later games, the palettes change to the appropriate character.
  • Garou Densetsu Special was most likely made during MKIIS's development because the MKIIS characters that are functional all seem incomplete.
  • Power Rangers III expanded the roster by one slot just to add in another purple grunt. It's the only game using the MKIIS revision of the engine to expand the roster.
  • Ture MK3 appears to have predated Tekken 2 in terms of development. Ture MK3 was the last game to have any leftovers from MKIIS while Tekken 2 completely wiped them. Also it's most likely Ture MK3 came out after SS2 seeing how the leftover Baraka was still functional in SS2.
  • Despite the fact that Street Fighter Zero 97 shares the same character address as Yuu Yuu and TMK3, it was built off of Tekken 2 because it still contained data of the Wang clones. It's unknown why this change occured.
  • Same thing with KOF96, given the character address it would've seem to have been built off of Tekken 2 but the NSF contains SFZ297's ending theme which suggests KOF96 was built off of SFZ297.

Other minor stuff:
  • The "roster" has appeared to have expanded a total of 5 times. (Street Fighter IV, Master Fighter VI', Mortal Kombat II Special, Power Rangers III, KOF96)
  • There's a glitch in Kart Fighter and AVGF where during a neutral jump with Mari or Marry while rising up, pressing Down + B will make you do a mid-air hop forward while doing a kick. However, the character does not land on the ground properly, actually causing them to land on the air. This move appears to be either a leftover of Chun-Li's stomp from SFII or an unsuccessful attempt at making Dhalsim's Yoga Mummy attack preform just like in the original game (although both of these don't make the player move forward). It's possible Hummer Team forgot about this and when reusing the MFVI' engine for Mortal Kombat and creating Kart Fighter off of an earlier build that Mari himself used Dhalsim as a base given they use the same character values. (and since Marry uses Mari as a base, it got carried over to AVGF) Hummer Team most likely noticed this during MKII's development and removed it before they worked on DBZ - SB2, otherwise Cell would've had this move as well.
  • Also Bunny appears to have something similar but it acts more like Dhalsim's where she doesn't move forward.
  • A possible reason as to why Luigi's fireball is the only special attack that works for him in Kart Fighter might be the fact he was built off of Goro. They both share the same character value and Goro only has the fireball attack in MKII. A common tactic used by Hummer Team was to assign "unused special attacks" to impossible commands in order to make the character seem to have less special attacks. In certain games such as MFVI' with Blanka or KOF96 with Goro, the AI does occasionally preform them and it's most likely why Luigi can perform them whereas no human can.
  • For some reason in Garou, it appears Scorpion and Baraka had their names switched around. Also Scorpion appears to have an unused attack whose animation looks similar to Raiden's grab but acts as a stationary attack. It's unknown if Scorpion was just reusing tile layouts from Raiden this early in development.
  • When messing around with the character values, it also disables any external coding that changes these values such as "Skang Tsung"'s transformations, Reptile turning invisible and invisible Reptile turning visible.
  • Since the transformations are disabled, it's actually possible to see "Skang Tsung" attack but he uses Raiden's sprites. It's most likely Skang Tsung used Raiden as a base.
  • It appears that "Skang Tsung"'s command for his fireball changed in the final version of MKII. Judging from AVGF, it originally used a down, forward motion but it was changed to a back, forward motion in MKII. It's unknown why this was changed since playing "Skang Tsung" normally would make this impossible but if Luigi was built off of Goro, it was most likely that they shared the same command for their fireball.
  • Strangely enough, in MK4 Hummer Team put Nightwolf with Shao Khan's sprites on the roster and where as the attacks didn't work properly, they didn't include Sub-Zero with Stryker's sprites despite all the special attacks working without a problem.
If there's something wrong with the hex values I put up or a flaw in what I've said, please correct me. Also, I'm not 100% on Yuu Yuu Hakusho Final's names and there's some I don't even know so please fill me in on that.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2013, 09:45:01 PM by KingPepe »

Yoni Arousement

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Character addresses and values for Hummer's fighters
« Reply #1 on: November 15, 2013, 09:21:57 PM »
Lol at the Mortal Kombat character leftovers.