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Messages - DoctahWiwey

Pages: [1]
Pirated Work / "Tribute" To Lion King (chiki chiki dog)?
« on: September 08, 2014, 01:09:35 AM »
Haha, that's cute.

2000-present / Zelda - San Shen Zhi Li
« on: August 14, 2011, 09:33:35 AM »
Aug 12 2011, 04:00:16 AM
Sorry guys for not updating yesterday. Had some other things to deal with.
James: I haven't played the original. My opinion would not be an acceptable one, so listen to Barver :P
Unexpected improvement.

I beat the game. Here is the ending:

Feel free to ask questions.[/quote]Does this version include the Chris Houlihan room in any way (even if finding it freezes the game), or was that taken out?

Game Boy / need some help sorting a few gbc pirate dumps...
« on: July 08, 2011, 10:33:28 AM »
Jul 7 2011, 03:11:44 PM
Tile Layer Pro, YYCHR, and the as-unfortunately-named-as-ever Tile Molester all work with GB ROMs.[/quote]Alright, thank you. Tile Layer Pro and Tile Molester seem pretty user friendly. YYCHR seems a bit daunting, and it won't extract outside the Zip file. If I have the other two, is there anything YYCHR can do that the other two can't accomplish?

I'll PM you if I have anymore questions; I don't want to go too far off-topic.

Discussion Center / It's All About Chiptunes
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:14:27 PM »
I'm a huge fan of Renard's songs released under the Kitsune^2 label. Here are two of the albums:

He also made a song inspired by Silver Surfer for the NES:

...these are chiptunes, right?

2000-present / The amazingly bad music of "Billiard 2008"
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:00:01 PM »
Jul 7 2011, 05:42:41 PM
Well I'd say that SNT's early titles had worse soundtracks myself. In fact, I personally think their Golden Sun pirate has a worse soundtrack than this game. :unsure:[/quote]It just goes to show how new I am to this whole thing, haha.

2000-present / The amazingly bad music of "Billiard 2008"
« on: July 07, 2011, 04:59:44 PM »
I can tolerate (and even like somewhat, because I'm insane) the Chrono Trigger NES pirate, but even this is a bit much for me. The first "song" has a discernible tune, but the farther the music goes in, the more incoherent it begins to sound. D:

Game Boy / need some help sorting a few gbc pirate dumps...
« on: July 07, 2011, 02:55:56 AM »
Jul 7 2011, 12:32:49 AM
I found that same logo when digging through the two Flying Daggers games in a tile editor. Maybe that's where.
Also... that is totally Detective Conan on that Crazy Richman bootleg.[/quote]Which tile editor do you use? The first tile editor that shows up on Google doesn't load actual games.

Game Boy / need some help sorting a few gbc pirate dumps...
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:16:43 PM »
Mar 23 2011, 06:49:04 PM
Mar 23 2011, 06:23:01 PM

To make things even more confusing, though, it's actually a title hack of Sintax's 真三國無雙 Zhen San Guo Wu Shuang, officially titled in English as "True Three Kingdoms", as shown on 64scener's site.
#2: 十面埋伏:屠龍篇 Shi Mian Mai Fu: Tu Long Pian = "House of Flying Daggers: Dragon Slayer Chapter"

#4: 十面埋伏:天龍篇 Shi Mian Mai Fu: Tian Long Pian = "House of Flying Daggers: Sky Dragon Chapter"

Incidentally, both of the House of Flying Daggers games are... rather odd. They clearly rip stuff off from Vast Fame's RPGs, but are also clearly not Vast Fame productions. And their music is stolen from Telefang.

[edited to fix the ordering of the two games, which I had backwards...][/quote]To add to what you said, the Dragon Slayer title screen is taken from the Gameboy version of Azure Dreams, and some of the sprites from the Sky Dragon chapter look like they were taken from Azure Dreams and modified a bit. I only noticed it once I started playing the second game and the blocked off gate inside the town reminded me of the game. Sure enough, I looked it up on GameFAQs and it is indeed taken from Azure Dreams.

Oh, I just found something else. When I loaded Sky Dragon and then loaded a save from Dragonslayer, then walked around a bit on the glitched area, I got this:

Glitches just make me so excited for some reason; I hope I'm not putting anyone off.

Game Boy / need some help sorting a few gbc pirate dumps...
« on: July 02, 2011, 09:27:55 PM »
Mar 24 2011, 04:02:11 AM
yeah, Lei Nu Ji Shen is indeed in GoodGBx. I did not know though that it was the same as Final Robot (I should have checked the header string, probably)


ok. here I am for another round of questions about GBC pirates

1. do you have any info (as usual proper title if mislabeled, producer, year, title in chinese characters, etc.) about the following titles: Legend of Heroes, Pokemon 2004, Stone Age and Zelda Shi Kong Zhi Zhang? they don't boot in MESS so that I have some problem checking by myself :)

I've tried to run Zelda Shi Kong Zhi Zhang (my Chinese friend said it could mean "Zelda is a Control Freak" >_>) in VisualBoyAdvanceCE, bgb, and Gambatte. BGB in particular gives a "ROM checksum fails" error, though there is another dump that has 4 or more errors (including the ROM checksum failure). Sadly, the game never seems to load past a blank screen so I'm not even sure if it's a playable game. I mean, the error window does say it wouldn't matter to a regular GameBoy but it doesn't load on any of the emulators I have tried. Then again maybe I don't quite understand how Gameboy emulation works and there just hasn't been a good dump of the game yet. *shrug*

I hope I helped, even if it was only a bit.

One more thing I just noticed: The header in bgb for the Zelda game says DIGIMON. I'm not sure if that has any significance but the header seems to be different depending on which game you are playing.

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