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Messages - FoxMan

Pages: 1 [2]
Mega Drive/Genesis dumps / Super Mario World 64 (Unl) ROM
« on: January 14, 2013, 01:31:10 AM »
Well, that's fantastic. :D Even though it doesn't work on other emulators yet, it's really awesome that we've actually got a working dump of it now.

Mega Drive/Genesis dumps / Darkwing Duck (Unl) ROM
« on: December 30, 2012, 11:42:40 PM »
I'm assuming this is made by the same Russian pirates that made the Mario 3 and 4? Because it's got some of the same music, and equally jerky jumping physics.

Pirate Talk / Your Collection? (Carts, Consoles, Anything)
« on: December 06, 2012, 06:10:10 AM »
I have a rather paltry collection of stuff. :c As of right now, the only pirated carts that I have are as follows:

-Top Fighter MK 2000
-Pokemon Yellow (The ShenZhen Nanjing version, IIRC. I've never actually had a chance to test it, since I have nothing that actually plays Famicom cartridges :C)
A pirated copy of Pokemon LeafGreen that came in a gray cart, says "The save file is OK." every time I go past the title screen, and I cannot trade Pokes to other cartridges.
And technically, I have that Zone 60, too, if that counts as anything pirated/unlicensed. :y

Also, the first two were graciously donated to me (for a price, of course) by Barver, back when RX Community was still online. That was a good deal, I'll be honest. :) I plan on getting other pirated Pokemon cartridges at some point, since those things pop up on Ebay literally all the time.
If I had a wishlist for pirates, though, I'd put Shi Kong Xing Shou on the list. I want that game so badly. ;^;

Game Boy dumps / Kirby Red Diamond ROM
« on: December 05, 2012, 07:18:17 AM »
...Well, the background BEHIND the poorly-drawn Kirby looks nice, at least. c:

Other than that, the emulation of Kirby's Adventure on this rom is quite horrid, IMO. It runs slightly slower than if played on an actual NES, and it's squished down to the point where the ingame text is indecipherable. The sound is also rather choppy as well. Still, though, it's definitely interesting. Gotta love the Engrish on the splash screen.

Other Pirates / Generic Wii clone thread
« on: June 21, 2011, 01:16:06 AM »
I'm pretty certain it was around the 20 dollar range. Not particularly pricey, but I still felt it was a stupid amount, despite the fact that I knew EXACTLY WHAT I WAS GETTING MYSELF INTO when I purchased this Wii clone. :V

I really do want to record footage of it, though. It definitely needs to be done.

Other Pirates / Generic Wii clone thread
« on: June 19, 2011, 11:11:53 PM »
I happen to own a Zone 60 myself, I came across it while shopping at an A&P not to far away from my neighborhood. I had planned on grabbing a friend or two and recording our exploits of playing this horrible clone, but so far I haven't made any attempt to do so. I've already tested it out once, though, and now it sits in my room, still in the box.

also, hi guys, first post on this forum. :V

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