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Topics - shicky256

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2000-present / Pretty good 150 in 1 multicart
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:47:03 PM »
I just got a pretty good NES multicart off of Aliexpress (I don't want to be accused of advertising or something, so I won't post a link. Just search "72 pin 150 in 1" or something) for $25, because I was annoyed with people on eBay price gouging NES games. I took a few screenshots, and have written up a game list. The multicart claims to be made by a company called "Shenzhen Spritemind Software Co.,Ltd.", who I can't find any mention of anywhere on the Internet. It's also a pretty new multicart, as the title's dated March 3rd, 2015.

I know that it looks like the game's running on an emulator on my computer, but the multicart's undumped AFAIK, and it's just my NES connected to my monitor's composite input. Here's a picture of the menu (it looks pretty nice IMO, better than just text on a black background)

And here's a game list (the seller on Aliexpress has one, but it's truncated and inaccurate). Because there's 150 games, this is pretty long. If I don't specify a game's region, assume that it's either American if it came out here or Japanese if it didn't.
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