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Messages - polybius81

Pages: [1]
Game Boy / Chinese Pirate Game Boy Cartridge
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:46:18 PM »
Right, So I have this Chinese Pirated Game Boy Cartridge. I think it was 16-in-1 or 32-in-1 not sure. Anyways, this Cartridge had 8 games on it. Contra III, which was accurate to the original Game Boy version and was advertised with Duke Nukem on the Cartridge, Bomb Jack, which was advertised as Bomber Man on the Cartridge, Yakuman, which is a Mahjong game, Some wierd game where you have to protect squirrels from something, Sokoban, Space Invaders and Alligator Pinball. The games were duplicated twice or three times. And my Sister got it somewhere. I don't have an image sorry. But if you have picked up a similar cartridge tell me.

Pirate Talk / Do Swap Magic Discs from the US work in the UK?
« on: January 10, 2015, 01:39:11 PM »
Hello, I am not allowed to talk about Pirated content on MLPForums, can I ask. Do Swap Magic Discs from the US Work in the UK?

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