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Messages - gmestanley

Pages: [1]
The Community / Re: https issues
« on: January 14, 2024, 02:33:11 PM »
I definitely thought it was odd that a website that managed to survive to this day still uses only HTTP, but I figure maybe it's just a limitation with the host being used. I mean I thought people didn't care about this forum anymore (at first) but there's still posts from NRS in 2024 so

Pirate Talk / Re: Production library music in bootleg games
« on: January 13, 2024, 04:55:34 PM »
Hey, I'm new here, and I've decided to make a Google Docs page about this topic. You are all free to share any sources that you find. Here's the link:
It's probably more accurate to just say Bootleg Games? A lot of them aren't even from China, they're from Taiwan. Also, not all of them are from plug-n-plays; I don't think the Miwi BS9800 is a plug-n-play at least.

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