Other Stuff > Wonderful Wide Web

Shenzhen Nanjing's exdomain... as a blog? What?


So, as I wanted to look around on SNT's site, I had to realize that it's ... kinda gone. I don't know what happened here, but look at this: http://www.sznanjing.com/ - it's sort of a blog now. What is this supposed to be? Is it one of their programmer's fault? Or is the webmaster fooling around again, as last time I had to warn him the site's off?
For those, who could read Chinese, this might be interesting. It seems to have a games section too, but it all feels non-sense to me.


thats the old URL - I dunno why but a lot of Chinese companies seem to have real trouble holding on to a domain name.
their current site is at http://www.sznanjing.com.cn/

Funny thing is that I remember that it worked like a month ago O_O
Editing topic title, and moving it away.


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