Author Topic: Is this the composer from Chuanpu and VFame?  (Read 1974 times)


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Is this the composer from Chuanpu and VFame?
« on: December 24, 2011, 11:18:24 PM »
So a while back, in an access-restricted thread (this one, for those who can access it), taizou observed that there is a singer/songwriter in Taiwan named Liao Yi-shen (廖益伸), who also goes by the pseudonym Liao Da-sen (廖大森). Here's the Wikipedia article on him (in Chinese), and here's a song credit confirming the pseudonym. This guy's no small fry; he's written for some big Chinese pop stars such as Andy Lau.

So why am I bringing this up in this thread? Of course it's related to bootleg games. There's a 廖益伸 credited for music in games by Chuanpu and Vast Fame, with perhaps the most famous works being Barver Battle Saga and Soul Falchion.

Perhaps this is sheer coincidence... but the more I find on this guy, the more likely it seems that it's not a coincidence. For instance:

#1: He appears to be from the Taichung area. Which, not coincidentally, was also Gamtec/Chuanpu/VFame's home turf.

#2: He's written music for a modern Taiwanese RPG (水靈仙子 "Shui Ling the Fairy").

(Anyone with sufficient knowledge of Chinese want to try contacting him? He appears to have several social media presences that I've found, at least under the 廖大森 name...)
« Last Edit: December 24, 2011, 11:22:23 PM by codeman38 »


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Is this the composer from Chuanpu and VFame?
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2011, 11:57:44 PM »
whoa! nice find. I  did a bit of googling on this guy earlier but I never made the connection with the Liao Da-sen pseudonym.