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Messages - NewRisingSun

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Famicom/NES dumps / Help Emulating a Famiclone dump (gamezone 118 in 1)
« on: January 16, 2018, 04:49:34 PM »
Basically Mapper 126 (Super Joy), although Nintendulator's and Nestopia Plus' CHR bankswitching is still off.
Is it within the realm of possibility that you mistakenly flipped the 256 KiB banks during dumping? Because it works perfectly as Mapper 126, CHR and all, all 118 games, if I invert CHR A18 in Nintendulator. It may be a PCB variation, but it seems kind of odd, because CHR A19 is normal.

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 15, 2018, 01:19:50 PM »
I am uploading a video right now.
There you go.

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 14, 2018, 03:55:42 PM »
there are graphical glitches I think due to the scanline IRQ issues that NewRisingSun2 discovered[/quote]Try modifying the MMC3 scanline counter emulation to skip one scanline per frame, and then trigger the IRQ 32 PPU cycles/pixels later than when it would normally be triggered. That's what made it look clean in my emulation. I also return to normal IRQ behavior once the 4bpp mode is turned off, to make the original Mapper 4 games on that multicart look right, though I don't know whether that is what the actual hardware of that handheld does.

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 14, 2018, 03:43:53 PM »
I wonder if this means further VT03 and VT09 compatibility will be added to MAME as well.[/quote]I sure hope not, but I fear it's unavoidable.

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 13, 2018, 08:50:15 AM »

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 13, 2018, 08:26:16 AM »
What keeps me from releasing a new Nintendulator version is that I still have not found the reason why switching to Fullscreen fails 50% to 75% of the time. It's a problem in Quietust's original version as well, and he has basically confirmed it (although on his machine it only fails the first time), but we have not found the cause.

Oh, before I forget it: what about the square wave duty cycles? The title screen music of "Adventure Island" (game #10) is the most obvious example.

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 13, 2018, 08:07:58 AM »
Oh, so the emulation is right, and the graphics are just ugly. Okay. :) Thank-you for the pictures.

I have implemented support for this chip variant in Nintendulator, distinguished from VT03 et al. via the $4304 write.

Oh, one more thing: Game #41 is Sachen's "Magic Mathematic". If you let the Title Screen run, there should be a scrolling glitch because they used the PAL version of the game. Can you confirm that? (If not, then the console does not use NTSC timing.)

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 12, 2018, 07:00:46 PM »
Here is how my emulation looks right now:

The first three look somewhat plausible, but the last one looks odd. Judging by similar multicarts, the background should be blue, not gray, and the lowest parts of "N" and "1" look incorrect as well.

I just noticed that the palette format that I am emulating for this cart resembles the VT168's...  :unsure:
And the IRQs seem to be expected one scanline earlier, but 32 or so PPU clocks later, than a standard VT03 (or MMC3, for that matter).

All of these changes would of course break existing VT02/VT03/VT09 games, although I could implement both, and use the very first register write that the game makes ($01 to $4304) to tell them apart.

NES 2.0 headers are nice, but Nintendulator should load the .BIN file just fine. The NES 2.0 header would have to specify mapper 256, and 4 KiB of PRG-RAM (possibly just 2 KiB, but they would then have to start at $6400, which is implausible).

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 12, 2018, 06:06:56 PM »
It runs well in my Nintendulator build if I ignore the 411C write, apart from the menus colors being wrong, and the IRQs firing somewhat too soon. I can get the menu palette closer to being meaningful if I interpret the bits as direct RGB bits, rather than VRT's method described here, although it's not perfect.

I would say it's a clone of the VT03. That would explain the odd IRQ behavior as well as the $411C write having not the meaning that VRT described in their VT16 and VT18 manuals. Are the square wave duty cycles as they are on an original NES, or are they swapped? Because original VRT chips  always swap the 50% and 25% duty cycles, so if they are as on the original NES, it can't have been made by VRT.

Famicom/NES dumps / 300-in-1 SY-889 Handheld Dump (VTxx)
« on: January 12, 2018, 05:27:50 PM »
How odd. It writes to $411C, setting the VT16+ bits for EX2412EN and IRQVS, but the acts as if it didn't. I don't know what's going on with the palette at all.

Can you post one picture each of of the dancing cats, the language select, and the Chinese and English menu screen, just so I know what it's supposed to look like?

Famicom/NES dumps / 4-in-1 MGC-026?
« on: December 29, 2017, 08:50:59 PM »
Oh yeah, I wrote it down myself the other day.... :) Mapper 274 then.

Famicom/NES dumps / 4-in-1 MGC-026?
« on: December 29, 2017, 09:58:00 AM »
@g0me3: I am allocating NES 2.0 Mapper 272 274 for BMC-80013-B. I am not sure if you have noticed it, but that cart can also start up in a 72-in-1 version if "rom_mode" is 2 rather than 0 at reset. 72-in-1 seems to omit the simple Hwang Shinwei games.

Famicom/NES dumps / 4-in-1 MGC-026?
« on: December 26, 2017, 06:29:47 PM »
Please, just don't put MGC-026 on mapper 36, that is all. Nintendulator-NRS and Nestopia Plus! are both putting it as mapper 271/BMC-22026, so if you could please follow that, thanks.

I agree that there is nothing wrong with empirically-derived implementations, but once actual hardware is reverse-engineered, the results of that effort should find their way into emulators and replace the empirically-derived implementations.
if you have an actual implementation, and all roms are working on it, fell free to document them and I can fix the implementation in fceux as well[/quote]I have recently updated the Nesdev wiki with information on Mappers 136, 172 and 173 based on recent redumps of all these cartridges and tracing the PCBs. Lidnariq had already exhaustively reverse-engineered mapper 36. Attached find my current emulation sources for Mappers 36, 132, 136, 172, 173, 261 (6-in-1) and 271 (4-in-1). Mapper 132 has not been reverse-engineered yet, but the game code is so similar that it's easy to deduce the parallels. Also see this thread for PCB pictures of mapper 173, 136 and 172 boards.


1984-1992 / 1989 version of 3D Block video?
« on: December 26, 2017, 12:02:53 PM »
That's the 1990 version, as seen on the copyright notice on the title screen.. I was looking for a video from the 1989 version.

Famicom/NES dumps / 4-in-1 MGC-026?
« on: December 23, 2017, 12:17:36 PM »
Thank-you for the ROM image.

But it should not be at mapper 36. Mapper 36 is a TXC IC at $4100-$4103 (mask $E103) for PRG switching and a CHR latch at $4200 (mask $E200). 4-in-1's writes to $4120 and $8000-$FFFF are entirely outside that range. FCEU'x implementation of mapper 36 is purely empirical and only loosely related to the actual hardware, and adding another unrelated hardware on top of that to the same mapper number creates a complete mess for any emulator that tries to emulate mapper 36 accurately.

A new mapper number, and/or a UNIF board, should be allocated for this one. As I understand the FCEUX code, it's basically GNROM with mirroring selected by two of the possible eight values of PRG A12-A14. I think it's more likely that PRG A16 or CHR A16 (latch value $20 or $08) are being used for the secondary purpose of mirroring selection bit, and others seem to agree.

I think I'll implement this in Nintendulator as Mapper 271 (I've used the numbers before that for other boards already, including 256-259 identically to FCEUX), and as a UNIF board "BMC-22026".

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