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Topics - MonstersInc

Pages: [1]
Game Boy / Have any of the Sintax GBA games been dumped?
« on: April 12, 2015, 06:15:50 PM »
I was wondering; Have any of the GBA Sintax games been dumped? I know that Digimon Adventure is available, but I'm looking for the others. I read up somewhere that it has a heavy amount of protection, but the weird part is; How did Digimon get dumped, then? Or did they not put any copy protection on this game?

Mega Drive/Genesis / Monsters, Inc.
« on: February 02, 2015, 03:58:18 AM »
I just recently found out about a Mega Drive game that was made by some Russian company. It is based off of the 2001 animated Disney/Pixar film called Monsters, Inc. The thing is, it barely resembles the movie in any way whatsoever. The reason being, the game they built it off of has a Halloween theme to it, and the movie has a more kid friendly approach to things. The following was changed in order to make it a different "game":

1. Pretty much the whole game was translated to Russian.
2. Opening cutscene was changed from an island to a door (doors appear frequently in the movie)
3. The character shown in the cutscenes is changed to Mike.
6. The title screen now has the Monsters, Inc. logo, though the colors are incorrect and the I in Inc is lowercase so it says, "MONSTERS, iNC"
5. The main character you control (Chuck D. Head) is now Mike.

Now for some pictures.
Here is a picture of the box and cartridge:
Spoiler: click to toggle

Here is a picture of the back of the box:
Spoiler: click to toggle

That's all.

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