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Messages - kmg

Pages: [1]
NewRisingSun posted a copy in these forums last autumn, but unfortunately that post was lost (along with many others) when this site had to be restored from backup.

Anyway, the cart has serial CB-403X. If you can't find it elsewhere, look for a recent complete MAME software list set and look for the archive (or 7z). You'll need to rejoin the PRG and CHR files into one and slap on a header. FYI, it's mapper 134. I *think* you'll need NintendulatorNRS, libretro's FCEU*, or MAME to actually run it.

1993-1999 / Re: Help with running Bonza.
« on: July 30, 2021, 03:23:29 PM »
I don't think any emulator allows you to play these. I can't read Russian but these are actual gambling systems, correct? If you look at the picture of the Mega Drive cart's board you can see something like a SIM card in the top left corner. It probably contains a security chip that allows the real cards you insert in the top of the cartridge to work but disallows any tampering. The Dendy cart will contain a similar chip. It seems unlikely that any of this will ever be emulated, though it may be possible to make the games playable by faking the communication with the security chip.

Oh and your English sounds pretty good. Change "discovered recently about" to "recently discovered" or "recently found out about". It's possible to put "recently" after the verb but it doesn't sound like typical casual spoken English.

Famicom/NES / Re: Does anybody have a copy of this?
« on: July 24, 2021, 11:39:41 AM »
I dont know what mapper this is. Here's a game with that name.

Ah, thank you Gamerone, but our princess is in another...

That's the Kaiser bootleg, mapper 303. I'm looking for the more recently dumped mapper 548 version to test emulator support. Thank you for looking though.

Famicom/NES / Does anybody have a copy of this?
« on: July 22, 2021, 09:10:12 PM »
Anybody snag a copy of this ( mapper 548 Almana no Kiseki? Cheers.

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