Pirate Discussion > Other Pirates

Supervision: handheld of the less fortunate

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Mr. Sound-About:
Thanks, y'all. I'm not much of a collector, if you can believe that. But "research collecting" is something I find interesting and fun. Just a shame I chose the Supervision. :o

BTW: Today I confirmed that Cross High was indeed released by itself, separate from the 2-in-1 package, on cartridge. Just when I thought I'd had a "complete" collection, I had to go and buy this thing. So... *sigh*... guess I'll have to add a new entry to the game list on my website. Supervision = tedium.

Ooohh that is good to know. I saw it on a SuperVision box listed by itself, but never saw it myself!

So uh... we gettin' a Super Fighter port for SV?  ;)

Mr. Sound-About:
Yep. And while it would be nice to see some of the other "vaporware" titles surface, I'm tired of spending $$$ on Supervision stuff.

Ha! Super Fighter port, very funny. The way the Supervision's designed, it practically breaks a sweat just trying to scroll its own logo at startup. A fighting game would give it a heart attack.

Eh! I tried. Those characters sure could use more exposure!

Mr. Sound-About:

Today there's been some cool [?] updates to the site:

* Confirmation of "Cross High" existing as a standalone cartridge
* Scans of Chinese-language instructions for six games + the Supervision itself
* Scans of a damn near perfect TV-Link box, + instructions in six languages
* Scans of Watary Italia advertisements, featuring the "Supervision ninja" <-- just ridiculous


Merry Christmas!


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