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Messages - SRC

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Interesting, I assumed it was a quirk of the mapper hacking. I guess they just recycled the header from their Harvest Moon 2 translation.

Hi-Tek's involvement also helps explain the relatively decent quality of the port.

Game Boy / Re: [GBC]Have these been dumped yet?
« on: December 19, 2021, 11:29:12 AM »
I do not have the proper equipment or knowledge to dump these games. Right now I'm limited N64 Transfer Pack with GB64, which does a fine job dumping standard  legit carts but struggles with games with alternate mappers / copy protection.

That being said, I did give it a try and produced what appears to be a bad dump of Pocket Monsters Stadium if anyone wants to give it a whirl. It could not boot off of my EZ Flash on actual hardware so I assume it's busted. (POCKETPIKA is its header's name.)

Game Boy dumps / Fire Emblem Gaiden (ES-2014 Huo Yan Wen Zhang (張艷文))
« on: December 19, 2021, 01:38:42 AM »
Hey all, I dumped this one a few months ago for the purpose of a Youtube video but wasn't really sure how to distribute it. I am about 100% certain this is dumped already but am posting this here for others that have had difficulty tracking the rom down like I did.

This is a mapper hack of Waixing's Fire Emblem. It's from a modern repro cart purchased from Taobao and dumped using GB64. (Amusingly, the rom's name defaulted as Bokujou 2 / Harvest Moon 2.)

Not too much to say about this one. It's a port of Fire Emblem Gaiden for NES and does the job decently despite some stripped features & characters. The music, however,is pretty terrible. It's not quite Makon Soft bad but there are very few tracks and they get grating quickly. 

Game Boy / Re: [GBC]Have these been dumped yet?
« on: December 19, 2021, 01:25:16 AM »
I gave the roms a go on an EZ Flash cartridge on both a Gameboy Pocket and Gameboy Advance SP and didn't have any better luck, unfortunately. The Gameboy/Nintendo logo would flash but then produce a blank screen.

From my understanding, these games, much like other copy protected games, have been and probably will be in copy protection purgatory for a while. It's a hair ironic but some of these bootlegs are just really difficult to crack/reverse engineer.

Anyway, I can't really help you much in regards to Pocket Stadium (only played it for like 20 minutes), but I played Tactics Card pretty extensively a few months ago if you're curious about any aspects of it. I have a Youtube video of beating each opponent once and a spreadsheet with the stats of about 90% of the available cards. Here are the links to them if you want to check them out:

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