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Your Favorite Game Soundtracks

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Either if they are the tunes from your childhood or a kickin' soundtrack that really grew on you lately, feel free to share! The ones that stick out in my mind(for now) are:

Super Mario world 2: Yoshi's island (SNES)- The game had very atmospheric music, and it had surprisingly diverse tracks; The overworld songs sounded lighthearted and bouncy, but it was well-balanced out by the gloominess of the castle theme, the fast-pacing boss themes, and even  badass electronic keyboard metal. The ending theme still remains as a tearjerker to this day for me!

Mother (NES/Famicom)- Some of the best NES music I have ever heard hands down. This one is unbelievably obscure when comapared to Mother 2 (Earthbound), but I'll throw in Earthbound because it's another one of my all-time favorites. :thumb:

The Mega Man NES Series- What more can I say? I love all 6 of the games' soundtracks. But more specifically, Mega Man 5 had a very strong soundtrack in my opinion, and Mega Man 3 is my personal fave.

Contra- Crisp, fast-paced, and just plain sweet. And dat bass.

Here's some good ol' Sega Genesis ones I'll put here:
Ristar the Shooting Star
Sonic 3 and Knuckles
Rocket Knight Adventures
Decap Attack


Put the Megan Man 2 Woodman's music on repeat and I'm done :P

Ninja-KunOct 11 2014, 06:08:27 PMPut the Megan Man 2 Woodman's music on repeat and I'm done :P[/quote]This is EXACTLY what I do when I listen to Mega Man 2's album, but repeat it for several Robot Master themes cool:  

Mega Man 2's entire soundtrack has some of the most catchiest and diverse tracks that ever graced NES/Famicom hardware hands down!

I love super mario world sound track 1 and 2 (SNES)

All the Megaman series

I also like the sonic games (Genesis,Dreamcast ETC)

And GTA 2 SoundTrack. (Soul Relaxing,Earth Quick... CHANGE!)

Thats my list.

Awesome Panda:
Probably GTA Vice City and Vice City Stories. It's probably cheating because the songs are licenced but whatever.

Not counting that, I'd probably say Streets of Rage 2.


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